I would appreciate any advise. I have read the other posts but still require addditional assistance.
My daughter, Giselle is 8 months old.
She eats:
a bottle at 7am (7oz),
breakfast at 8:30 (3-4tbs of cereal, 2tbs of fruit),
bottle at 11am (8oz)
lunch at 12:30pm (3tbs of veg),
bottle at 3:30 or 4pm (8oz),
dinner at 5:30 or 6pm (4tbs of cereal, 2 tbs of fruit)
bottle at 7:00 ish (9oz)
sleep at 7:30.
I have just started introducing meat/fish for lunch (1tbs). My daughter has recently started taking more milk than usual as opposed to weaning off the milk. I think she's not receiving enough solids but she doesn't always want to eat more. She is easily distracted. She does love to feed herself (cheerios, banana) but I'm having some difficulty with this as she sometimes pockets food. She has 7 teeth so she can sort of chew.
I'm thinking I should increase solid volume but would like opinion of how much? Also is the timing of the feeds right or can I give her the bottle before or after a feed instead of feeding her every 2hrs?
Giselle and I thank you for your opinions.