I hope this is the right board to post this on. I'm wondering how I cut down the number of bottles? DS is 11 months old and until 3 days ago was taking 4 bottles a day, each 6-8 oz, as well as 3 solid meals. In the last few days, we've been trying to get rid of the lunch-time bottle and have him take his milk from a sippy at lunch instead. He'll drink from the sippy but will only take a couple of ounces at most from the sippy. (We introduced a sippy at 6 mo. but he's never taken a lot of liquid from it). So, he's been very hungry in the afternoon. Here's our current routine:
7 -- wake/6 oz. bottle
8/8:30 -- solids -- cereal; fruit (2-4 oz)
10 -- nap
11/11:30 -- solids (veggies and fruits); 2 ounces of milk from sippy -- he's recently upped this intake of solids to about 6-8 oz since we've taken out the bottle [He used to take 4-6 oz. of milk from a bottle until 3 days ago when we tried cutting this bottle out and opting for the sippy instead).
1:30/2:00 -- nap
3:30 -- 6 oz.
5:30/6:00 -- dnner (fruits and veggies -- 6-8 oz)
7:30 -- 8 oz. bottle before bed
I guess I'm trying to figure out when his need for milk will decrease and he'll have more solids instead. He seems to be taking a lot of both solids and milk right now. I don't know how to get him to take more from the sippy -- I would assume that's what needs to happen before he'll drop the bottles? We offer the sippy with every meal and some times in between llunch and his afternoon nap. Any other ideas? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.