Hey guys,
My two are 8 months, we've been on EASY since about 4 months. Something I've noticed recently is that they do not want their bottles when they first wake up in the morning. For example, DD woke at 7 this morning but didn't have her bottle until 8:15. So I'm finding that our EASY routine is getting thrown off a bit because the feeds are now later therefore their normal 7pm bedtime doesn't coincide with an appropriate bottle feed time anymore if you know what I mean. So where the feeds used to be 7,11,3,6:30, bed at 7, now if the feeds don't start until 8:15 am, then they would be 12:15, 4:15, 7:30....and then 7:30/8 is too late for my guys for bedtime...they are way too tired by then. But if I put them to bed earlier, they're going to be short on formula intake.
Wondering if anyone else is in this situation and how are you handling it?