Our 10 week old, spirited/touchy baby loves being awake and playing after her feed, but she starts yawning after only 15 mins of activity, and if we wait, we miss the window, and she's hard to settle. We've had her on a 3 hr. EASY schedule for 3 or so weeks now and only had a couple of perfect nights of sleeping for 6-7 hrs. The past few days nights. she's been waking up at 1am, and howling for 45 min. We've tried the shush/pat and she only howls louder. So, we feed her and she stops crying. She then wakes up again around 4am, same routinue. We can't tell if she's going through a growth spurt, because it's the same time every night, so is it habitual waking, or hunger? But, she does seem to eat alot. Also, are the short activity times giving her too much sleep time during the day?