Your LO looks so cute!!!
When you give the Dream feed try not to make it past 11, 'cause then it counts like nightfeed, i would also suggest to try to meke the bedtime a bit earlier , say perhaps at 8pm.
To star your LO on EASY, you try to follow the order of things firts, EAT; ACTIVITY; SLEEP (and of course when he naps you have your free time), that is the main thing to keep to the order, just so you can see here's how my DS had his routine at 4MO:
E 7:30 wake up and feed
A 8:00 activity and play time
9:30 wind down (play something quiet or read a book)
S 10:00 1st nap
E 12:00 feed
A 12:30 activity time
1:30 wind down
S 2:00 2nd nap
E 4:00 feed
A 4:30 activity
5:30 wind down
S 6:00 catnap
7:00 bath and massage
7:30 feed and book
8:00 bedtime
11pm Dream feed
He didn't wake at night to feed.
I think if your LO is taking 3 naps a day,, it will be faster to put him to EASY. Hope this helps.