Wow...thanks everyone for your valued advice.
I have been trying jakob with an open sipper (ie no lid on it) to see if that would make a difference...but not really.I think i will take your advice kelly and buy a new one as he may have bad vibes about this one now!!!!
He has started fussing over 2 bottles,the 11am one and the 3pm one.This is why the nurse advised me to drop one so he would take one good one at 2.30ish.Im not sure if im ready to try him on that yet or not.he sleeps soooo well at night im scared to muck that up lol!!! I think i will gradually reduce the 11am one and see how we go that way.This is what i did with his dreamfeed and by the time we got down to only 60ml i dropped it altogether.Sometimes i think maybe slowly slowly works better...well it has for jakob and he is the one whos' cues im following.
I am wondering that once he has dropped the 11am bottle he may start taking his sippy as he may be more thirsty. Perhaps at the moment he gets so much milk he simply doesnt want anything else?
Oh one question at 8 months he is having his dinner before his last bottle.Should i start feeding him lunch first now if im going to gradually reduce the feed him lunch at 11.30ish and then offer smaller bottle after? That way he learns to fill up on soilds at lunch and not rely on the bottle? Soory if thats a dumb question

i have no idea what i did with my daughter (shes 10 years old)the long dely between children has rendered me a new mommy all over again!!!!!!
Thanks everyone for taking time to help me!!!!! MUch appreciated!
