Author Topic: Crying after bath  (Read 1278 times)

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Offline Briony

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Crying after bath
« on: April 06, 2006, 07:06:14 am »
We started the easy routine when ds was 8 weeks old its only been two weeks  things have gone well,before easy we would bath and massage at 7.00 but he would only settle down in his cot after 9.30 he would come back downstairs with us but he has always been a good sleeper doing eight hour sleeps a few times,anyway easy started fantastic except in the last 4 days we take him out of his bath(which he enjoyed)take him in his room to massage and he goes ballistic so the massage has been eliminated from his routine which I am sad about! My question is how long after feeding should we be waiting to bath him could the crying be tummy ache as he does draw his legs up,it would be a shame to stop the bath at night as he does enjoy it. He does eventually calm down and sleeps well afterwards,also for your information he is breastfed,ten weeks old and weighs a wopping 16 pounds

Offline corrina01

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Re: Crying after bath
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 08:58:21 am »
I always bathed my DD about 1hr after her feed, and then top her off with an extra feed before bed.

When my DD was about this age I used to pat her bum to let her know where the wind was coming from, if she didn't fully burp it up.  Also, I used to bicycle her legs and push her legs to her stomach and shake them down again.  She thought it was great fun.  Incorporate it into the massage routine. 

Eventually she got the message so her wind comes either way.

Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline Briony

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Re: Crying after bath
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 11:28:07 am »
So if I start my day at 7 and its 3 hourly and his last feed is 7 he would not go to bed until late, I am a bit confused as I have noticed many people are bathing feeding then bed is that not against what the book is about?

Offline corrina01

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Re: Crying after bath
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 12:42:02 pm »
My routine was

5pm Feed
6pm Bath
6.45pm Top up feed
7pm Bed

As long as you don't feed to sleep then that's okay.

As long as you feed.  Then put him in his crib drowsy but still awake, then that is fine

Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline Intransit

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Re: Crying after bath
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2006, 12:43:30 pm »
Hi Briony, I too bath, bottle then sleep with my DS. Since EASY is a can adapt it to your LO and your own day etc...when it comes to the bath bottle bed, or bottle, bath and bed, it really depends on your LO. With my DS, I found that after his bath he is really excited, and so we feed him afterwards--in a darkened room--and I sing to him--but we rarely, if ever, put him down while he is already asleep. Pushing the feeding back also seems to give DS an "extra" 30 minutes in the morning. He sleeps through the night, and wakes about 12 hours after falling asleep. The thing with that is as you probably know, is getting them used to falling asleep on their own or using Pat/shh or pu/pd when needed.
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