Hi! I'm new...just started this week. I have a lot of questions.
If EASY is supposed to be a routine, not a schedule, how come I keep seeing people say to wake them up in time for the next feed? Shouldn't you follow their cues (still sleeping means still tired)?
++Is this just for the period of adjusting to the routine?
++If not, how long can you let them go beyond normal wake time without sacrificing the routine for the rest of the day?
Should bedtime be a relatively firm time, or based on his cues?
If it takes the baby 20 min to fall asleep, should that be counted in "activity" time, or toward the "sleep time?
Finally, My 4 mo old is still working on naps (he's a 45 min napper, and we're working on w-t-s, or else I just shh pat him back down) so he's not getting full 1 1/2 to 2 hour naps, so in that case, should I let him sleep a little longer??
Thanks for any help you can give me!
Sarah, first time mom