Author Topic: question regarding dream feed vs. 2:30am feed...  (Read 979 times)

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question regarding dream feed vs. 2:30am feed...
« on: April 06, 2006, 18:22:17 pm »
Hi ladies!  I just started following EASY a couple of weeks ago.  DD was already on a 4 hour daily routine, but wasn't napping well.  She is now doing great during the day...eating every 4 hours, staying up for 2 hours upon waking, and getting (2) 2 hour naps plus (1) 30-45 minute cat nap, but nights are still rough.  Before, she was averaging 25 - 27oz. in 5 bottles between 5:00am and 7:30pm, now that we're following the 7:00am - 7:00pm EASY, she's only averaging 17 - 20 oz. including the 11:00pm dreamfeed.  She's still having night wakings, some nights she'll wake at the same time, other nights she wakes at different times.  And we're still struggling with her waking up around every hour, some times sooner, once she soothes herself back to sleep. 

Here's my question....I know the book recommends dropping the 2:00am feeding first, but there was one night that I tested my LO and didn't give her the dreamfeed, seeing that she was only eating between 2&1/2 - 3 oz and not taking a full feeding.  When she started fussing around 2:00am, I let her try and soothe herself....that didn't work, so I gave her the binky and she was ok for about 30 mintues.  When she started fussing again, I decided to feed her...she didn't open her eyes, but ate 4 or 5 oz. and went back to sleep until 7:00am.  Do I give in and start feeding her again at this time?  She'll be 4 months on April 9th, she's probably around 14 lbs, has her last feediong at 7:15pm every night, and goes down around 7:30pm - 7:45pm.  Maybe she's just hungry after 7+ hours of no food?  I just don't want this to turn around and bite me in the 'you know where' in a couple of months.  The interesting thing I did notice early this morning when I looked in her bed once she started fussing was that she was moving her head from side to side.  I thought I read something in the book that this is a sign of hunger?  I can't remember any more!  AAHH!!!  Any guidance you can give is GREATLY appreciated.  THANK YOU!!!

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Re: question regarding dream feed vs. 2:30am feed...
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 18:27:24 pm »
Hi Tricia

DS was still waking at 2 and 5am for a feed, I never did the df. It was soon after this HE dropped the 2am and started waking between 4 and 5am instead for one n/feed.

By the sounds of your post she is hungry, I don't think her head moving from side to side is an indication of hunger - its more just fussing, they wake hungry but are still tired.

Need to go. DS need put to bed
Lauren x

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Re: question regarding dream feed vs. 2:30am feed...
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 19:55:12 pm »
It does sound as though your DD is hungry when she wakes at 2 am. If she wakes at 2 am with or without the DF, I would stop the dream feed. Stick with the 2 am feed for awhile and then attempt to drop that feed next.
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