Well, I believe if you can end the night feeds, he'll take more during the day and thus be able to extend his feeds. One way I've heard of eliminating night feeds is to make them less appealing. I searched for the post, but was unable to find it. However, the general idea was to add water to the formula more an more each night until basically it is just a bottle of water, which he probably won't want. The original poster said it worked within the first few nights that she didn't have to water it down too much before her dd was already turned off. Otherwise, you'll have to commit some more time to pu/pd. One night without a night feed won't starve him, and hopefully he'll drink more the next day. Tracy discussed a case on pg 121, and she advised to absolutely not feed the baby during the night, but rather use pu/pd. Hopefully, after he's feeding more at each feed, and will be able to stretch his feeds to every four hrs, you'll be able to feed more like at 8,12,4, and then say around 7:30 and back in bed by 8.