gage's mum
I could have written your post

Calum also has huge A times and wakes at different times each morning.
TodayWake 0645
E 0730
S0900 - 0930 - 30mins in car, woke when transferred to pram
S1100 - 1130 - 30 mins in buggy, woke when transferred to car
S1315 - 1545 - I let him lie longer to compensate for poor AM sleeps
A1715 inc bath at 1900ish
S hopefully for 8pm
I had brought his bedtime closer to 1930, however he has woken at 0530 somedays ready to start the day and WILL NOT go back to sleep. I am putting it back to 8pm tonight to see if it makes a difference. Last night he was in bed late by mistake at 745pm and slept until 0645 - that I can handle. Here he was up from 1545 and will not be put to bed until just before 8pm, he did show sleepy signs at 6pm, however I was preparing tea and he was more bored than anything ( I know if I had tried to put him to bed and would not sleep and anyway its too near his bedtime) he is now in his jumper having a ball and its bath time soon.
Yesterday:W 0530/0600 - not sure he he put himself back to sleep for 5mins

S0900 - 30 mins again
A0930 swimming to tire him out
S1300 - 1515
A inc bath
If he wants to do 8pm to 7am that is more preferable for DH & I anyway. I don't think 8pm is too late, especially when daddy works shift or long days. Here he was up from 1515, every day from 6pm Calum goes crazy, this is his most active time and goes into fits of giggles even when looked at, so it gives him a 2nd lease of life to see him through to bedtime.
Not sure if this will help you or not, but we both seem in the same position

P.S - Alice I am sure your routine is perfect and you just like coming here to talk to us