Author Topic: confused about EASY  (Read 1240 times)

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confused about EASY
« on: April 07, 2006, 13:53:46 pm »
My son is almost 5 weeks old and I started doing easy at 2 weeks.  I was starting him at 6am, feeding every three hours, with cluster feeds at 5 and 7.  I am a little confused though.  If he has a bad night, which he often does because of gas, and he wakes up at 5 or 7 or something, do I do the feed three hours from then or do I stick to 9 am for next feed.  Today he woke up at 4 am, i fed him and then he had gas pains and he wouldn't settle until about 5:30.  I didn't want to wake him at 6am after he had just fallen asleep.  He woke up by himself at 7am.  Do I feed him at 9am or 10am.  Does it always have to be the exact same times or should I kind of follow his cue a little?  Also, I am breastfeeding but he still gets a lot of gas.  I take a lot of time trying to burp him but sometimes it doesn't help.  Does anyone know if I should be avoiding certain foods while breastfeeding that could make him gassy?  That is usually the only problem we have at night.  If he isn't gassy he will sleep a long stretch or go straight back to sleep after feeding.
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Re: confused about EASY
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2006, 14:26:52 pm »
Hi and welcome to TBW boards

I personally chose a 7am wake up time and stuck to it. Any waking prior to this I would treat as a night waking, even if it was 5 or 6 he woke for a feed, I would put him back to sleep, then wake him for 7am give him a feed (usually just a top up) then continue with a full feed 3 hrs later.

I tend to stick with the same wake time, DS always wanted fed every 3 hr on the dot anyway so I did read his cues.

I will ask around about the breastfeeding question for you  ;)
Lauren x

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Re: confused about EASY
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2006, 17:34:56 pm »
One of the other mods (Zannersmummy) has come back with this site for you;

Lauren x