Author Topic: Is 4 hour EASY too long for a 7 week old?  (Read 1343 times)

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Offline cbeall

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Is 4 hour EASY too long for a 7 week old?
« on: April 09, 2006, 04:03:29 am »
I am new to the Baby Whisperer but put my son on a 4 hour feeding schedule since he came home from the hospital.  He is now 7 weeks old.  He generally has no problem going the full 4 hours in between feedings, but if he acts hungry sooner then he is fed early.  I tried cluster feeding once this week after reading the book but he only took 1/2 oz. after 2 hours.  When he is full, he stops eating.  I have not tried a dream feed because I am concerned about gas if I don't burp him before I put him backdown.  The amount that he eats is very eratic.  I never know what to expect as far as how much he will eat.  Lately it is between 3 and 6 oz.  He also is still waking up every 4 hours during the night to eat.  I have tried to give him a pacifier and soothe him back to sleep but it only works for about 15 to 20 minutes and it starts over again.  He has not been eating enough during the day to not need the calories during the night.  Any ideas?  If I change him to a 3 hour EASY, do you think he will eat more during the day in order to not need the calories during the night and stop waking up?  Or since he is comfortably going 4 hours between feedings during the day, should I just ride it out and the night wakings will eventually disappear when he is ready? 

Thanks for your input!!!
Ethan Cooper
February 15, 2006

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Re: Is 4 hour EASY too long for a 7 week old?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 04:41:47 am »
First off, my lo is 10 weeks old and still wakes 4 hours after 1st being put down and every  hours after that...I am also at my wits end on the sleep deprivation issue.  I tried the dream feed, all it did was make her wake up every 2 hours for the next three nights. 
I also tried the paci, no workie...same thing, she'd suck a bit and then still want food.  Have you tried having him eat longer at the 3 am feeding, and decreasing his time at the earlier and later ones?  That is what I am going to try next, however my girl won't take my breast if she isn't hungry, she turns her head away.  With her feedings so short already, I'm not sure it will work.  A full feeding for her is only about 10-12 minutes, that's if she's starving after waiting 3 1/2 hours.

I am also having problems with e.a.s.y.  I tried to use this strategy with my lo when she was about 7-8 weeks old.  I started by keeping a log of her regular patterns of eating and sleeping to see what I was up for, to my surprise my girl was eating anywhere from every 3 hours to every 90 minutes for anywhere from 3-10 minutes on one breast only, Then she would be finished, no interest in my breast.   ???  Thinking she might be doing this because of a foremilk imbalance I pumped a little before each feeding for a few seemed to help her get on a more regular eating schedule.

Now at 10 weeks she eats a little less frequently, about every 2-4 hours, but now likes to take a 30 minute break after starting a meal, she'll eat for 5 minutes and then start rooting around about 10-20 minutes after she is burped.  ::)
I basically modified the e.a.s.y model to fit her needs. Doing more of a e.a.e.s.y...cause I don't know what else to do.   ::)

I think the main thing the model does for you is ensure that you can read your babies cues (because you are logging what she has done) and it also ensures that your lo is napping every 1-2 hours, which is huge for babies under 4 months old.  There is a very good book on sleep called "healthy sleep habits, happy child"  by Dr. Weissbluth.  He does not fully advocate CIO or No cry sleep solutions he basically says the same thing as Tracie, don't start habits you don't want to continue later.  He does offer some good biological reasons sleep is so important.  However, I like Tracie's methods for scheduling better.
        So...I don't know if 4 hours is too long for your lo, it doesn't work for mine...any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Is 4 hour EASY too long for a 7 week old?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 05:55:59 am »
4 HRS is for 4 months and above.  7 weeks and 10 weeks is too young for a 4 hour EASY schedule.  It's too long for them.  please try a 3hr EASY and I'm sure that your day will go much smoother. This is just my opinion but you can check the other posts and Tracy's book if you want to sure and also for more tips.
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Re: Is 4 hour EASY too long for a 7 week old?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 12:41:29 pm »
How much does your DS weigh?

I think 4hrs is okay, as long as you feed him sooner if he wants it.  My DD never slept through the night till she was 13 weeks old.

Try a DF, this will cut out nightwakings.  As long as your DS is still asleep during the DF, he is so relaxed that he wouldn't hardly take any air in.  When you finished feeding the DF, gently pick him up and hold him up to your shoulder and pat is back gently, any burps will come out soon.

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Offline cbeall

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Re: Is 4 hour EASY too long for a 7 week old?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2006, 14:38:46 pm »
My DS weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. when he was born and then 9 lbs. 1 oz. at 1 month.  I haven't gotten an exact weight since then, but my mom says that by her scales he weighs 12 lbs. (she weighed herself w/o him and then w/ him).  He gets a checkup this week.  He is definitely gaining the weight that he needs to and he doesn't usually have any problem going the 4 hours.  He is bottle fed, so maybe that is why. 
Ethan Cooper
February 15, 2006

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Re: Is 4 hour EASY too long for a 7 week old?
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2006, 16:46:07 pm »
Go with your gut instinct.  If he can wait 4 hrs, then go for it. 

He sounds like he is gaining weight fast.   ;D
Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel