Reply received from MomtoKatieBug
Katie will be 6MO next Friday. We've tried solids here and there, but nothing consistent. She'll get one meal about once in a while on the weekend. We'll try to ramp up our efforts once she's 6MO (so like next weekend I suppose).
I don't know that it's a growth spurt, but she's not draining her bottles. She was eating 6.5-7oz consistently every 4hrs like clockwork - even overnight. Then starting Saturday afternoon she started eating less of her bottles - down to 3-4oz - and then getting hungry after 3 hours. Maybe once a day she'll go for a 4hr span and will maybe eat 4-5 oz. We used to be up twice with overnight feeds, but she was up a lot on both Saturday and Sunday night and her feeds were still off. Normally she drains her bottles quickly overnight, not on Sat or Sun. She still took smaller feeds overnight and then slept fitfully.
We have tried a waiting period, but when she's done, she purses her lips and blows bubbles/spit. Since she's been only taking 1/2 a feed, I'll usually try for an hour when the formula has to be thrown out.
The other thing that has happened -can't remember when - is that she seems to be dropping her breakfast bottle again. We'll probably try to shift to her overnight bottle.
We are using the fast flow nipples. Playtex makes a tri-cut for older baby formula or when you add cereal for reflux. I have a couple at home and can try those to see if things improve. It probably is a good transition to a sippy cup since Katie won't have to suck at all - it just comes out.
Every day is different, so here's as close as I can pin it down.
Wakes anywhere from 5:30am - 7:30am
Arrives at daycare around 8am
Will nap anywhere from 1 - 2hr during the day at daycare (yesterday was only 55min)
Leaves daycare around 3pm
Naps on the way home and stays asleep once arriving home - can be up to 2.25 hrs depending on how much she sleeps at daycare
Depending on when she gets up and how rested she seems, we may play a bit or we might just go straight to bath and bedtime winddown
In bed between 6:30pm and 8:00pm depending on her nap, wakefulness and sleep cues
She was eating every 4hrs like clockwork, but not at the same time every day. Sometimes overnight she'd go 5 hours or so and eat, then another 5 hours. So, the feed times change every day. But, it was an every 4hr thing round the clock. We never had a longer period of 6-7 hours overnight.
I thought this might be an overtired thing, but she was home with DH on Friday and home with me on Saturday. And, it's gone on too long for that.
It could be the daycare influence. They think she should eat every 3 hours. Sometimes they've been feeding her at 3hrs, sometimes it's been 4hrs. We can't get into the new daycare until June and I've just tired of fighting with the current center. I'm worried that much more and it will start to impact Katie's care. But, it's odd that it would start on Saturday if it's a daycare thing...
I know it's not BW, but it's the best we can manage right now and will only get better if my Curious Georgette learns to not be so interested in EVERYTHING going on at daycare.
Oh, last night she was so tired (only 55minutes of naps at daycare and a 1.5 hr nap at home) that she went to bet at 6:30pm. Did a "DF" at 7:30pm (4hr mark) and she slept until 3:30am so an 8hr stretch. I really think it's cuz she was SO exhausted, but maybe this could all be developmental?Huh
Thanks for your thoughts.