Author Topic: Everything is all over the place - teething or something...  (Read 932 times)

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Offline Shdef

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Everything is all over the place - teething or something...
« on: April 12, 2006, 13:51:26 pm »
Here routine I followed before:

E: 6.30 am awake and bottle
A: 6.30 - 7.30
S: 7.30-8.00 catnap, seems like extended night sleep to me ??? He is really shattered by this time, I can't keep him awake any longer

E: 8.00  breakfast (wee bit of solids and formula)
A: 8-10
S: 10-11.30 (often sleeps a bit shorter)

E: 11.30  lunch (solids)
A: 11.30-13.30
S: 13.40-14.30

E: 14.30 bottle
A: 14.30-16.30

E: 16.30 dinner (solids)

18.00 windown, brushing the two teeth, book, bottle, bed

I tried to establish that, but don't really like this routine either because he sleeps so much at the beginning of the day and is overtired for tnight-time. The night-time routine has been funny and short in the past days and he was so tired that he fell asleep on his bottle which I personally don't want and don't really have very good experiences with. If he fellas asleep on his bottle and I burp him and put him to bed almost asleep he wakes up after 20 minutes and gets a fright where mummy has gone  ???

Anyway... today everything is all over the place, no EASY pattern recognisable and the sleep is rubbish. he also woke up at 5.30 am, ready for the day and no chance of putting him back to sleep...

So today looks like this:

5.30 am wake and bottle (STARVING) and nappy change (REALLY FULL)
7.00 am nap
8.00 am breakfast
9.00 am nap
10.00 awake
11.00  bottle ( didn't want solids)
12.00 pm nap
12.30 awake
14.00 nap

... and still asleep...


Maybe I need a new schedule??? Any ideas?

Offline Shdef

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Re: Everything is all over the place - teething or something...
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 13:52:50 pm »
BTW, I think the two top teeth are now coming through...

He also naps in his prm because we are outside people... Getting him to sleep isn never the problem with him, extending the A-time is...

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Re: Everything is all over the place - teething or something...
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2006, 21:28:46 pm »
Thanks stacy :)

He used to have 3 naps a day... one was 1.5 hours, and two were 45 minutes long and a 12 hour night. Sometimes the second nap was 1.5 hours as well, but that would then be quite above average amount of sleep...  He was the happiest baby with that. Can't move to crib because we live in Scotland ANd Germany AND London and travel a lot. He can't go for naps in different cots but he can at night-time when its dark. The pram is a thing that comes with him and gives him comfort and is always the same place if you know what I mean. We are also outside for a big part pf the day if the weather likes us and I wouldn't want him to swutch back and foward from pram to crib ???

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Re: Everything is all over the place - teething or something...
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2006, 06:09:16 am »
If he wasn't an angel baby I would be hostage to my house, too. His temper (knock wood) allows us to do a lot of things that we thought we couldn't. I know #2 will be a girl, spirited, colicky and just thye opposite of Scott. I am not even pregnant yet, but these are my suspicions and I will adapt :)

Offline Cluna

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Re: Everything is all over the place - teething or something...
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2006, 09:49:40 am »
How old is Scott? I'm assuming he's too old for dream feed now? It just seems that he's waking cus he's hungry but then really wanting to sleep longer - My son did that for a few days when his gums/teething seemed bad and I got some brilliant natural powder called Ashton and Parson's which helped him and (homeopathic chamomilla) but tha t helped because he was in pain at night, but also upset tummy alot so was also more thirstyand  needed more liquid - does he have water/juice as well as milk?. If he's going to sleep at 6.30?? maybe he's adjusting and its cus he needs less sleep at night or genuinely hungry so waking earlier...sounds like a lovely little boy though - I have image of you treking about and all the wonderful sights you must see, he'll surely be a good traveller when he's older. I had to stop going out so much and walking dogs for hours because my lo got too used to motion sleeping and found hard to sleep in cot in day. let us know what goes on...

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Re: Everything is all over the place - teething or something...
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2006, 10:06:44 am »
His napping was so bad because the poor wee sausage roll had to sleep on toys :( I just didn't see them. Everything today is going EASY so far, he had a 1.5 hour nap and went down well and woke up with a big smile cooing...
He is asleep again and will have his lunch after that nap. His night-time was bad because he was overtired...

But Cluna, you are right as well... we didn't do a dreamfeed since he was 4 months but now he wakes up starving and with a really dirty nappy. So I got him up yesterday night (11) and had to change his nappy (very dirty and he also has bottom thrush) and fed him 4oz. He woke up at 6.30 in a wonderful mood, but it wasn't really a dreamfeed ???

Any ideas?

BTW... I always used to give him unsweetened tea but he hated it so I switched to incredibly diluted pear juice (for the constipation) cause he doesn't drink water either

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Re: Everything is all over the place - teething or something...
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2006, 08:37:16 am »

I lost this thread and just found it again
How is it going with Scott? have you changed your routine? I'm still going through several night wakings and trying not to drag my beautiful son into the spare bed to get some sleep!!! I had to start giving him a feed at between 1145 and 1am (he wont take dream feed) so trying to adjust his feeds in day but theres only so much will fit in his little belly!!!  I wondered if you had any teething problems and how you've dealt with them?
he sounds like a dreamy happy baby so hope this has continued


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Re: Everything is all over the place - teething or something...
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2006, 09:27:49 am »
We are only just having 2 naps and extending the first one with PU/PD. This morning he slept 2 hours and I think it worked!

Thanks for asking :)