for the past week or so our ds has been completely squirmiy, uncomfortable, irritable and grunting while eating. He has seemed completely uninterested in eating although from his behavior he appears hugry. I had read somewhere on the boards that this may be a result of the slow flow nipple and baby getting board or tired. We just switched today to the fast flow nipple in the hopes that he would be more satisified. So far it seems good...he seemed much more satisfied and calm when eating. Although he guzzled very quickly which made his tummy a bit upset earlier today...this evening so far so good. but, we have two questions: 1. is it too early to be moving to the fast flow nipple (something about jaw development?? i never breast fed and worry about this)

2. the past two feedings today he seemed hungry after his 6 oz. bottles...i resisted giving him more worried about gas etc...but, wonder if we should give him more and move toward a 4 hour easy...and maybe (crossed fingers) sleeping through the night!
he's so close to sleeping's a typical schedule:
6 a.m. wake
6:30 feed (lately only about 3 oz)
8 sleep - 45 min.
9:30 feed (usually 5-6 oz)
11 nap - 45 min.
12:30 feed (5-6 oz)
2 nap - 45 min.
3:30 feed (5-6 oz)
5 nap - 25 - 45 min.