My daughter is 16 weeks on Sunday and she is still waking twice a night, 3 times last night.
She is fed 3 hourly and had a DF at 10 - the recommended feeds according to BW but yet has never slept thru.
The best nights so far have been about 4 days where she woke at 3 or 4 for a feed only but that only lasted a few days. thought it may have been a growth spurt but this has been happening for about 2 weeks.
I must admit i do feed her both times, mainly because she hadn't really got into a pattern of only feeding once, like i said, it was only for a few days at most but surely she should at least be down to one feed a night now?
She feeds for about 15-30 minutes during her days feeds, depending on how distracted she gets, and her 7pm and 10pm feeds are generally the longest. thru the night her feeds are 10 minutes at most - does this mean she doesn't need it really?
She doesn't wake at exactly the same time every night but its usually within an hour.
She isn't a hungry baby really and appears to be able to take it or leave it most of the time so could this mean she cant be bothered to get all her calories during the day preferring to spread it out?
Any advice would be welcomed
Many thanks