Hi there I'm hoping someone out there can give me some advise.
My lo is exclusively breastfed. I did introduce a bottle months ago which she used to take but I think I didn't offer her it often ( bad mommy!) enough so she eventually refused. This was before she was three months old.
She's now 8.5 months old and I'm due to start back at work in six weeks, and I need her to take the bottle. I have experimented with different bottles and teats, and trainer cups (she uses a cup to drink water) but always she refuses it when she realises there's milk in it and gets very upset. I have offered her the bottle at different times of the day, and in different positions, I've got hubby to try and give it to her to no avail. I'm not sure how I should proceed.
Should I refuse all breastfeeds until she accepts the cup. This seems abit cruel to me and I'd rather do anything but! Any suggestions?