Hello everyone,
I tried EASY about 2 months ago when DD was 4 weeks old and gave up on pat/shh. Now, she's 3 months old and I've got her to sleep on her own. But she doesn't want to follow EASY when she's awake. I try to feed her, let her have activity, and then down for a nap - but either I can't keep her awake or keep her asleep when it's that time. Like she'll be awake for an hour then nap but wake before it's time to eat. Then by the time she's hungry, she's ready for a nap after she eats. Then when she wakes after that nap, it's no where near time to eat again. And the cycle continues. I've tried feeding her a little early and then trying to keep her awake, but she just falls asleep sitting up. Here's what she's done today:
6:30am woke and ate - E
7:30 down for a nap S
8:55 woke up A
9:20 ate E
9:45 she fell asleep eating so I put her in bed S
11:00 woke up and we went to visit family A
11:50 ate E
12:15 fell asleep eating and slept in grandma's lap S
12:40 still asleep, came home and put in crib
1:00 woke up A
I began the day with a E.A.S cycle, but then once it gets off, it's off all day. How do I fix this? I don't want to force her to stay awake when she's sleepy. She just this week has learned to go to sleep by herself, so I don't want to mess that up. How do I get it to where she's not eating so close to nap time and falling asleep on the bottle. I usually get her semi awake before I put her down so that she'll have to fall back to sleep on her own in the crib. She's never limp limb asleep when I put her down. I really like her on a 3 hr easy, but she won't stay on it. How long should she be awake? Sometimes she'll stay awake 1 1/2 hours, sometimes only 1/2 hour before she starts yawning and getting sleepy eyed. What do you think?