Kelly - yes it is me!
We do follow a routine, but I can't say its stricly EASY because we have never mastered naps completely. Or at least when the naps fall into place, then she changes! I think that Lea is a spirited baby. Very roughly its:
between 7.00 and 8.30 up and breastfeed
9 breakfast
(Morning nap is either roughly 10-11, or 11.30-12.30)
between 11 and 12 breastfeed
1 lunch
(Afternoon nap is either roughly 2-3or4, or 3.30-4.30or5)
between 3 and 4 breastfeed
5.30 supper
6.30 bath
7 breastfeed and bed
She normally has two naps a day, but it varies when. Occasionally she still takes half hour naps. We think that the difficulty with naps is part of the problem at night. We always try to make sure she has two naps a day in her cot, but sometimes she really doesn't seem tired by 10, and much later than that and she starts to get hungary, so her first nap ends up being more like midday. I do put her in her cot and even if she won't sleep she will at least play happily by herself there. She rarely breastfeeds to sleep, more normally feeding gives her an extra burst of energy!
She is tired when she wakes in the night, its just that she has this automatic instinct to sit up and then stand (which can be a bit of a struggle in a sleeping bag). Last night she woke at around 11.20pm, but I just turned her over, put some music on, and she went back to sleep in about a minute She then woke at around 2am, and then again three more times at ten minute intervals. Then at around 4.30, when I fed her a bit (I want to drop the night feed, but I am not sure if this is a good time to try - she is definitely eating much less at night now, and I think is almost ready to drop it).
ps the night she slept through from 7 til 5 was when we flew back home from Paris - so it was a very disrupted day with erratic and short naps, and we didn't give her solid food except for a bit at breakfast.