I weaned my LO very slowly over a period of months, but I have several girlfriends who got down to 1 or 2 feeds and did it over a weekend. I started by dropping the feeds he was least interested in, which for us was the cluster feeds. I continued to drop one feed a month (again, I know people who have done it a week apart, but I took it slowly to keep from getting too engorged, having my hormones go haywire, and because I wasn't in any rush to stop bf. Once I got down to morning and night, I dropped them one month apart. By that time he was over 13 months olds, and we were already off the bottle. I worked on introducing milk from when he was one (he didn't like it, and drinks soy now) so once I was letting go of those final feeds, I just offered a sippy of milk instead. (The first day, I had a bottle ready too, just in case, but he went for the sippy.
The first couple days of the dropping of the last feeds (especially am) LO did look at me quizzically and patted the chair where we'd bf. I told him "milk's all gone" and offered him the cup and he accepted that and didn't ask after a few days (which made me terribly sad, even though I was happy he was adjusting well).
lissylewis, it is totally normal to be apprehensive. I felt that it was the right time for us, but I was really sad about it too, mostly because of the end of the special bonding, but also for the soothing power of bf! The first month after weaning completely, I felt like I'd really lost something, but within another month, DS started reaching out for cuddling and snuggling more throughout the day (which he hadn't done before) so take heart that they find a way to replace the bonding time at their own pace.
By the time I was down to 2 feeds, I didn't have a problem with engorgement at all, but with the daytime feeds, I sometimes needed to pump for a few minutes to relieve the pressure...it probably made it take a little longer for my body to adjust, but it helped make it a more comfortable process.
MGardner, how is it going? Could you maybe try using a different bottle where you can control the flow? Have you tried any of the teas or herbs to increase your milk supply (or even a beer after LO goes to sleep)? Or maybe it's just the stress of the upcoming trip? Your body may just be adjusting to the drop in pump and take a little while to readjust to what your LO needs. It sounds crazy to say try not to worry about it, but you can only do the best you can. Hang in there and keep us posted.
HTH --