Lovejoy, not indulgent at all! I'm sorry I didn't notice yours earlier. Since she's already 11 months, are you planning to replace those bf's with milk or are you going to do formula first, then milk? My dd rarely got bottles so when we weaned we went straight to giving her milk in a spillproof sippy (I assume that's the same as a beaker?), which she'd already been using for water and juice. The downside with this as opposed to a bottle is that she wouldn't just sit and drink all at once. The plus side is that there was no need to wean from a bottle. So whichever seems better to you - bottle or sippy.
What ended up happening when we dropped the bedtime feed was that we replaced it with a sippy of milk and a snack, usually graham crackers. We're a family that snacks in the living room so we allowed her to do the same, and she'd usually eat the crackers right away and over the course of 20 minutes or so, as we played and read books, she'd drink the milk. I know some families prefer to limit food and drink to the high chair or table, so that would affect whether you would be ok with doing what we did. I kept the morning feed for about two weeks after dropping the bedtime one (I loved starting the day off that way!), and we dropped the morning one by having dh get dd up from her crib and right away hand her a cup of milk, which she chugged just as enthusiastically as she nursed. I admit to sitting in the bedroom feeling very blue during this time, but I knew that if I got her out of bed she'd be less likely to accept the milk. After a few days, she was used to having a sippy first thing and I was able to start getting her up without any fuss. I hope some of this is helpful; even if you wean differently than I did I think it's always good to hear what other people have done as you decide what works best for your family.
Dannymomma, when we went from four daytime feeds to three, I got rid of the lunch and dinner time feeds and gave an afternoon snack bf right before the second nap. Then we were able to replace that afternoon bf with a sippy of milk and a snack, but dd was 11 months at this point and we were willing to give cow's milk. So if you wanted to drop your feeds in the same order, you could bf or give a sippy of ebm before the 2:00 nap, and then have that be the next feed to go whenever you're ready.