Well, I am sad to announce that we are officially weaned, but also feeling very "FREE"! I thought I would be much more emotional, but surprisingly, I am a bit relieved. I think it helped that DS was very ready to wean, and that was a benefit with the process.
Here is what we did:
9 mos: At 4 bfs. Dropped feed #2
11 mos, 1.5 weeks: Dropped feed #3
11 mos, 3 weeks: Dropped feed #4
12 mos, .5 weeks: Dropped feed #1 (morning bf, in bed, my favorite
Ds would basically get very whiny/ emotional around the time we would bf (at about 11 mos). I started noticing, too, that he was learning to ask for milk by signing, tugging at my shirt, etc. After I dropped his afternoon and evening feed, he was soo happy! It's like he needed it. Shortly after, he would get annoyed when he would bf in bed. So, I finally just brought him straight to his high chair. We have not looked back.
My breasts are a bit "lumpy" and are still producing a bit of milk (almost two weeks after weaning), but they are not too painful, and I am sure they will subside eventually!
Hope my story helps someone
And congrats to all those who have successfully breastfed, it's no easy task, but well worth the benefits!