My DS will be 1 a week from today and I am very proud of the both of us for getting to this stage with breastfeeding, however for a number of reasons it is time for us to stop. From day 1 BF has been a dream, I am definitely one of the lucky one's without nipple soreness or any other issues.
DS will not take a bottle, and at this stage I would prefer him to go straight to a cup. We can get him to take a small amount of water from a cup but not much milk/formula from a cup.
Today for the first time DH took DS downstairs without seeing me and offered him a sippy cup of formula (he wouldn;t take it) and then a bottle (wouldn;t take it and kept saying 'Mum, Mum, Mummmmmm') Dh brought him to be after he had had breakfast and he wanted to nurse, so we did.
I tried to give him a sippy of cow's milk (which he doesn't mind the taste of) for his 2nd feed and he didn't want it. He was crying and crying, pulling at my shirt. When he stopped nursing I had teeth indentations (he has 7) on both nipples!
I guess what I am asking is, am I best to keep trying the sippy cup first, and if he refuses give him a BF? Or does this just teach him that if he says no to the cup he will get boob anyway. I am also concerned about forming negative associations with the sippy cup as we have only just started to get the hang of it.
He will be without me for 24 hrs in 2 weeks so I need a way of dealing with this for the ILs who will be minding him. I guess they can just fill him with yoghurt and give him cereal twice a day for dairy intake?
![Huh ???](
Like us all on this thread wanting advice, this is starting to consume me. I almost wish I had introduced a bottle of formula earlier on (he did have one for DF but as he was asleep he wouldn't take it when awake).
TIA for any suggestions