With my last pregnancy (which I miscarried), I noticed a big reduction in supply very early on, about 6 weeks or so. But there was still a bit there. As soon as I miscarried, it came back in all its glory. This time, my supply was adequate up until the 10 week mark, when it just dropped right off. Slowed to a trickle, seriously. So I guess it's different with different pregnancies. After a couple weeks of trying to keep going with nursing, dd and I were both getting very frustrated, so we dropped the morning feed with no trouble. Then I would still offer the evening feed. Then, last week, I stopped offering that one, too. She asks for it occasionally, but only as a kind of suggestion, and glady takes her sippy cup ('cause there's sure a whole lot more in there anyway!), a cuddle, and some books at bedtime. As of July 4th, we have finished nursing. I think it will be an easier transition now-- she has a whole 6 months to go without mama milk, which should serve to make it much less "hers". Though it's a bittersweet rite of passage, I think it was the right time for us.