Here in New Zealand we are recommended to start feeding solids before bottle from 8 months onwards.However my son refuses to have it this way at lunchtime.He has always had dinner before his bedtime bottle but at lunch he has a bottle then food.He wont let me change it and screams blue murder!
He is at the age where a bottle can be dropped,so they say here and they say to drop that lunch one.BUT first of all i would like to get him to eat food first then have his bottle before i even contemplate dropping it!!!!!!!! We have issues with him refusing water from a sippy or cup as well so i couldnt drop it right now.My main issue is how can i get him to eat first...then have a bottle??
Currently he has a bottle at 11-11.15am and then solids around 11.45/12pm. What time would i feed him lunch (food) if i do solids first and what time would i give him his bottle? He goes for a nap between 12.30pm/12.45pm.
Ps He is on 4 bottles a day of 7-8 ounces.( 7.15/11.15/3.15 and 6.30 )I am not interested in dropping one yet but am only preparing towards it.
Any help appreciated thank you
