Author Topic: hints on reading to LO?  (Read 1931 times)

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hints on reading to LO?
« on: April 23, 2006, 22:22:39 pm »
From birth to about 5 months, my LO used to sit and listen to me read an entire story.  Since she has gotten more active though, she only wants to rip the book from my hands and tear apart the pages or put the whole thing in her mouth.  I have tried board books and foam books and books with lots of pictures and only a few words, but she really is too active to sit and be read to.  I have read to her when she's playing with something else, but that seems to defeat the purpose because it's like she's ignoring me instead of looking at the book or listening to the story. 

Much to my dismay, reading has gone out of our daily routine, and I'd like to get it back.  Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance! 
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls


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Re: hints on reading to LO?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2006, 22:59:38 pm »
i had to laugh at putting the whole book in her daughter does the same thing, she looooves to try to eat the books!  have you tried "interactive" books - like "pat the bunny" where she can play along with it?  we have a few of those and my dd loves them and it makes it easier to get through...

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Re: hints on reading to LO?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2006, 21:21:39 pm »
Gorgeous little girl you've got there.
Have you tried giving her a book (a sturdy one!) to chew on, pull at, etc, while you read from a different one?  Also, the rhythm of the story and the sound of language is really what is very important for LOs to be hearing so you could always just recite a story, nursery rhyme, etc to her.  I'm sure that this is just a phase as she's learning how to grab things, manipulate them, chew on them and once she better learns what she can do you'll get more of your quiet reading time back. 
Also, you can point to words or pictures as you read and encourage her to do the same so she's more involved. 

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Re: hints on reading to LO?
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2006, 03:48:37 am »
Hi there Gage does the same thing. For our bedtime rountine I sit him a vibrating chair (thhis helps get him sleepy ;)) and give him a few books and a stuffed animal. He too is more nterested in the books he is chewing on, so sometimes I will make hand gestures to go with the story. This is kind of the like the itsy bitsy spider KWIM. Anyway he loves it and really pays attention. I also notice we will pay less attention to a book if we have read many times. Oh, also we have some books that come with CDs that tell the story. Gage really likes these too. Never fear, your lo will grow to love reading and will be touched with just the bonding time you spend together.

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Re: hints on reading to LO?
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2006, 06:10:24 am »
Reading to my LO before she could flip pages was so much easier than now, at least I could read what was on the pages! Nowadays, she's more interested in the action of flipping pages and/or she is trying to put the book in her mouth that I can't even read the pages anymore. I'm looking forward to the day when she will pay attention to what is on the page while I read it to her, when we can discuss what we see on the pages, etc. When does this normally happen?


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Re: hints on reading to LO?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2006, 17:39:27 pm »
My LO is just the same!!! When my ds was a baby and we got to this stage we decided to read the bedtime story with lo in the cot so he could not get the book. (this was the only reading we could do at this point without the book being devoured!) We only had to do this for a week or so and then he seemed to grow out of the eating-everything-stage and could sit on our laps and be read to again. I think we are very close to having to do this with dd! I have often wondered if i should just give her a dictionary and maybe she will eat it and develop a fantastic vocabulary!! ;)
My dd absolutly LOVES the books from the Amazing Baby collection. I think it is because she likes the pictures as they are photos of real babies and are usually close ups of their faces. (They are very cute!)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 19:07:54 pm by dersonperson »
Kirsty x

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Re: hints on reading to LO?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2006, 17:42:18 pm »
my lo does the same thing (always has...) .... unless...i have the right books! :) the plain old books aren't any good, and the pop out ones aren't good either (she just want to pull..although they are better than the first ;) ) i have these books that you turn the wheel and part of the picture changes - kind keeps her attention a bit more.  also i find that plain books that are rhyming books keep her attention a bit longer - she LOVES 10 little fish - great book!..not even anything really 'special' about the pics or anything :)
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline teezee

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Re: hints on reading to LO?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2006, 17:58:05 pm »
btw i too consider sleeping through the night - SLEEPING through the night ;) although for different ages i think times vary a bit - a newborn can't be compared to a 10 month old kwim??
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005