Hi everyone
My LO Adi, is 9 months, during the day she drinks from a normal cup. But does not want milk when after her afternoon nap. So we have dinner a t 5:30, also because she gets sleepy by 6:30. I try giving her milk in a cup or a sippy cup at 7:00 just before bed, she just drinks a little.
Also I am in the process of stopping her dream feed. But then she gets really hungry at 5:30 am, and doesnt sleep. Yesterday I gave her a bottle and she drank it all, and slept through.
My concern is that she will get used to having a bottle before sleep, a habit she never had. Also I am worried about how to get her to drink from a normal cup at night when she is older.
Will she get used to a bottle? Should I continue? Or should I keep trying with a normal cup and she will eventually drink???
Cant decide............please help...........
Many thanks,