Oliver Rowland, we are doing ok thanks!, but just as I get Noah back on track, after some OT, I have to work for 4days in a row and he gets off again. Today was not so great, and I am fairly sure that we are in for a rough night with some awful long play session.
today he woke a little early, 6am, I did tell my DH to tell my MIL to put him down at 11:40 or so, asleep by 11:45 at the latest. I leave the house at 6:30, so its kind of up to them. well I got home at 5pm, to find out he only slept 12ish til 1:30ish, put who knows on the actual times
He was suprisingly happy all evening, I failed at getting him to bed early because the inlaws were here for supper. So he was in bed by 7 and asleep 7:15 or so.
M and N's mom, agree with Stay and Layla, give it a go, start with 12pm after a 7am wake.