PJ rarely sleeps in the car, but this transition has me so worried that I put his window down for something to look at and give him cold water in his sippy cup. With ice in it if we are out at 10 am!! And I sing like crazy, reach back and scratch his head.......I still have his car seat backwards so, so he thinks that is funny - to look up and over at me. But it makes it that much harder to get toys to him.
he is sleeping well this nap so far - we are at 1.5 and still going. Phew
I do think he could be teething - during bath last night i could have sworn I felt a little incisor coming through. Just the very tip rough edge - so just barely. His teeth break through and push up SO slowly. I was an idiot and forgot to give him motrin before sleep. I swear I give that to him every night these days! He loves it
Well, needless to say, he slept well, but I was awake for more than a split second during those transitions. Everyone I stay awake to make sure he is back to sleep.
Judy i can't relax until I know he is asleep - and for that matter I can't relax until he has made it past 1h20 min!! so these days I haven't done to much relaxing! If he does make it past the second sleep cycle then i am rejoicing and giddy with delight.