So I had started a seperate topic and it was reccomended to me that I post here, so here's the story;
Greetings all! I have a 10 month old daughter and I think it's time to cut to one nap a day because she wont take her second nap anymore. Here is her schedule - well, before our time "fell back" an hour I can't believe we still do that silly time change thing Things are a bit off, I've been trying to do put down to extend her wake up time back to 7:30 instead of 6:30-her little body doesn't know the time has changed.
7:30-Wake up and nurse, get dressed
7:45 or no later than 8-have breakfast, solid finger foods first then baby food if she wants
12-wake up and nurse, then solids, then baby food if she wants it
3-attempt at nap time, but she refuses lately until
4-dinner time
7-snack, bath, story time
7:30/8 at the latest bed
Then she sleeps straight through until 7:30 AM. Once in awhile she'll wake up poopy or because of teething or just randomly, so I change her or give her teething tablets if necissary then tell her to go back to sleep and she does. (She wasn't always like this! I had to do PD to help her figure out how to put herself to sleep and get rid of all the props!) Also, I wake her up at noon for lunch most days, because I don't want her to miss her lunch time but I'm thinking this should change.
As I mentioned, lately she has been waking up at 6:30 AM because we all had to set our clocks back here I am hoping she will readjust and go back to waking up at 7:30 again so I do PD for that hour but she doesn't fall asleep so far, I have kept the rest of the schedule the same. If she wont adjust to the time change and her little internal clock insists on getting her up at 6:30 then I will have to (unfortunanlty readjust her bedtime too.
So I didn't really get any replies at first so today this is what I did;
5:30Am woke her up and then told her to go back to sleep (trying to extend sleep time w/wke-to-sleep)
7:15 woke up and nursed for 20min
8Am breakfast
1-started laying he down but she dint fall asllep (!!!) until 2!
2-2:30 sleep
2:45 told her to go back to sleep and she did
3:30 woke up and tried to let her go back to sleep
7-bath, story
7:55-down for bed, asleep by 8:05
What do you ladies think?/
Am I trying to switch her to one nap too soon?
Do you think she was just overtired and thats why she slept badly for the nap?
Sorry for such a long post, just want to make the situation clear so I can get the most helpful feedback.