OK well I've read as much as i can of the 66 pages but I'm looking for some wisdom here!
My LO is nearly 15 months old: a few months ago we started with the not sleeping in the pm thing, so (interrupted with a few bouts of illness) I've been limiting the am nap. Initially it was to 1 hour, sometimes (if she was really tired) a bit longer, and never past 1130. that way I had her sleeping at 230 for a nice 1.5 hours and then bed at 7, awake 715 ish.
But I should have known it wouldn't last. now I have to limit am nap much more: like under an hour, or she won't sleep in the afternoon. Not only that, but we have had night wakings (never before!) and early mornings (like 6ish) which she just will not go back to sleep despite all the usual tactics. She always wakes crying in the pm and in the morning (ie after the night), I can tell she needs more sleep. On top of that, she is often cranky between her am nap (she is very very difficult to wake at that point now, like she needs to carry on sleeping) when she seems exhausted when I wake her up and takes like an hour to come round, and is then cranky until lunch.
I feel like I've done all the right things: 630 bedtimes (often seems to lead to early ams), limiting morning sleep etc and yet she's getting more tired rather than less tired, and I can never get her to sleep more than 1.5 hours in the pm. in fact it's more often less than that now. I reckon she needs 2-2.5 hours daytime sleep on top of a 12hour night, but she's getting more like 11 hours at night and then 1.75 hours daytime sleep.
what should I try next?
routine often looks like this for the past few days:
6am wake up try and get her back to sleep till
7am up
730 milk
8 breakfast
10 nap (not seeming that tired in terms of cues but goes straight to sleep)
till the early side of 11 ish I wake her up (totally out for the count)
1230 lunch
2ish nap (used to have snack here then 230/3 nap till 4/430 but with all the early mornings and night wakings I've tried moving it back a bit) sometimes needs a bit of a longer wind down here or won't settle
3.10-3.30 ish wakes up crying and crying. the timing's not been predictable enough to try WTS
5.30 dinner
6 bath
630/7 into bed wide awake, goes off like a dream!
then cries in night at least once, usually 930ish (though this one's better since she's not sleeping so late in pm) then 2ish, then 530ish. sometimes settles, sometimes doesn't without a hug/water. often cries like mantra for ages (like over an hour) but if we go in she seems to wake fully and then won't go back to sleep at all. she's never really woken at night since she started sleeping through so this is weird.
I feel like I've done everything these boards say, and I'm running out of ideas as it gets worse not better...
someone out there must have a smart plan for me...