Author Topic: solids and poo  (Read 1115 times)

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Offline VLR2006

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solids and poo
« on: May 08, 2006, 11:45:54 am »

My son was given the OK to start weaning at 4months (reflux, big baby and drinking so much milk) so I have been weaning him for 2 weeks now and started with baby rice for 3 days and pear and baby rice for 3 days and the second week introduced Carrot, Apple and butternut squash 3 days each.  He is fine with his food and eats all of it.  He isnt constipated at all, he's actually the opposite and going a few times a day, used to be only 1.  It isnt runny and looks like a normal formula poo but it seems the fruit and veg is having almost a laxative effect on him.  Is this normal, and if so when does it start to calm down.  I'm just a little concerned as he woke up with a dirty nappy but he never cried in the night and i never heard him go (he's very loud when going to the loo).  I dont know if i should be checking his nappy now or since it didnt bother him do i just let him be and hope that if he was unconfortable he would wake.  I really feel bad for him having slept in a dirty nappy for god knows how long   :-( ???

Thanks, Louise and Luke - 18 weeks

Louise and Luke - 18 weeks
Louise xx

Offline Sarahboh

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Re: solids and poo
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2006, 13:36:21 pm »
What a cutie Luke is, Congrats! I found that the veggies did the same with Ella, increased pooping from 1x day to 2-3. Yes, it is pretty normal because those veggies and fruits have fiber in them thus it can make them "poop" more ;D Ella also poops closer to the morning in her diaper since eating solids well, I don' t check her as she sleeps 12 hours through, but I make sure at night I rub on a ton of diaper cream as well get a really good absorbant diaper. It may or may not calm down as he eats more and more, it is great !though that he isn't constipated from the rice as some lo's do. If he was really uncomfortable I am pretty sure he would cry for you. What a good little guy he is! Hope this helps ;Dsarah
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