Author Topic: Angel baby suddenly having real trouble getting to sleep at night... help!  (Read 880 times)

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Offline Zarabelle

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My daughter has just turned 13 months.  She has always been a good sleeper.  On EASY from 1 week old and slept through at nine weeks. 
Around 10 months, she started to wake up a few times in the night - sitting up, crawling etc. but we could settle her back to sleep within seconds.
In the last week, she has really had problems at night.  She cries/screams when I put her to bed and if I use PU/PD, it works but she will just not go to sleep - I sat in there for 50 mins once....  I am getting pretty tired (I'm 16 weeks pregnant) and don't really know what to do??>
Should I peservere with PU/PD?
Any advice would be great.
Thanks x
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Offline chell

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Sleep problems can occur at any time. Any teeth coming? Any other milestones? I guess you have a regular wind down rouitine?
pu/pd should work if you persist.
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Offline Zarabelle

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I think she may have a couple of teeth coming.  We do have a regular wind-down routine and it's worked up until now.
I just went in and sat with her and she finally fell asleep.
Can I just check the method for PU/PD after they settle is to stay in the room until they fall asleep?  Do you have to do this forever more or do they learn to go to sleep without you sitting in the room again?
Thanks x
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<img border="0" src=";10716;93/st/20050406/n/Georgia/dt/6/k/e12f/

Offline chell

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Hi, you shouldn't need to stay with them. Once they have settled you can walk out, if they start to cry again you will need to go back in and start again. You can also do a combination of pu/pd  pat/shush, until they have got the hang of it. No you won't have to do it forever, if you stick to it and are consistent, the time it takes doing pu/pd will decrease.

If you think she is teething and in pain always make sure she has had pain killers and give her the comfort she needs. You wouldn't do pu/pd if she was unwell.

If she has got used to you being in the room you may need to gradually move your chair further away each night until you are out of the door, or you could just do pu/pd.

Although I have made reference to pu/pd, at 13 months, it is better just to do the put down bit. They can often settle quicker out of your arms then in and they are getting heavy!
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Offline Zarabelle

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Hi Chell

Thanks very much for your advice.  I am pleased to say it is going well.  When I take her in initially she is a bit grumpy but I lay her in her cot (she doesn't bother standing/sitting up anymore) and stay in there for about 10 minutes with her.  I then turn her light off and yesterday she fell asleep within 5 minutes.  I left the room and she was fine.

Today has been a busy one and she has been practicing walking and her little legs are kicking in her cot.  I did the same as last night but it is taking a bit longer for her to settle.  I have left the room and have shhd from outside the room if she's cried.  So far, so good.

I have never had to sit in her room before.  I guess it's just a stage.

Thanks again

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<img border="0" src=";10716;93/st/20050406/n/Georgia/dt/6/k/e12f/

Offline chell

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Well done Zarabelle! Keep up the good work!  :D
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