Author Topic: Need help with wind-down - fusses within 10 seconds!  (Read 977 times)

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Need help with wind-down - fusses within 10 seconds!
« on: May 10, 2006, 16:45:31 pm »
I keep reading about how important a wind-down is so the LOs know it is nap time and to help them transition from A.  I have been trying this for ever and keep adapting it but nothing seems to work.

My LO is 14 weeks old and I have been having issues with dummy addiction so am on day 5 on PU PD/Pat ssh.  However, even when she had the dummy, I found that as soon as I entered the nursery, drew the blinds and told her it was nap time she would fuss in my arms so there is no time for anything else before I feel I should be putitng her down.  I had thought she just wanted to get down to sleep and stop with the messing around.

I am careful to watch cues and know that she cannot go more than 1.5 hours A time so normally switch to really low key activities (walking round the house with her on my shoulder or lying on a mat together without any hanging toys etc) after 1 hr A time and head into the nursery when she starts yawning.

My problem is that she fusses straight away but is not getting drowsy or going into dropping eyelids stage (she has started rubbing her eyes or pulling at her face though) so I am putting her down reasonably awake (but fussy) and then we have a battle to get her to sleep.  It is made worse currently as I am using PU PD cold turkey on dummy but I know it is not just this as she did the same with dummy.  If I try to sit in the chair with her she starts squirming and fussing immediately - she has been doing this since about 6wks old before which she used to happily sit in the chair up against my chest and start to drop off.

Can anyone suggest how I adapt this? Should I be going into nursery earlier and if so what could I try doing with her to fill the time and get her drowsy?

I am sure nap times could be easier if I knew how to transition her earlier and at what point to put her into the crib.



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Re: Need help with wind-down - fusses within 10 seconds!
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 04:06:32 am »
Some babies, like my 1st have de-stressing cries right before sleep.  As soon as he was swaddled and in my arms preparing for bed, he would have 3 hard cries.  Tracy mentions these in her book. . .some babies need these 3 sirens to destress and prepare to sleep.  I would rock with my son until he got through those cries and then put him in his bed.  Like the previous poster mentioned, he may just need to be held a bit more before going to bed.

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Re: Need help with wind-down - fusses within 10 seconds!
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2006, 15:06:04 pm »
Stacy's advice is good, it worked for us.  Our lo would start to fuss the second he knew we were heading into the nursury for sleep time (he's a smart little cookie, he would squeal with glee when he knew we were going in for a diaper change!)  He is just 20 weeks old now.  We changed a few things to work things out.  First off, at about 1.5-1.45 into his A time, depending on the time of day (usually can't last as long in the morning as the afternoon) we walk him around the house either in our arms, singng and talking or if I have something to get down, in a snuggli.  Sometimes he'll yawn, sometimes not.  After about 10 min of this, we go up to the nursery and on the way we talk to him about how we are going to have a nice sleep.  If he is getting really tired, sometimes he'll fuss a little when we go in but by the time I close the door, draw the blinds and put him down in his crib to get swaddled, he smiles, I think because he finally understands it's time to sleep.  For a long time we first would put him in bed and just pat shh until he would sleep.  This would take about 20 min.  Then we started to hold him and pat/ssh until he would stop fussing because we were tired of him always crying when he went down.  For a while this worked great, less than 5 min but slowly as he approached 4 months it became less and less effective.  Finally, we altered the routine a little so that once we were in the room with the blinds drawn we would either walk him around or sit in the chair and talk quietly/read a story to settle a little more or if he was getting really sleepy would swaddle him up in the crib and then pick him up and talk or sing for another minute or two before settling him in bed for a sleep.  Now, a few weeks later, often we don't even pick him up that last time, he is already content to go to sleep.  He rarely cries when we put him down now.  He will usually now coo and "talk" for a few minutes, then start to fuss a little and kick his legs together on the mattress for a few times and then he is out.  I now know these sounds are his way of settling to sleep and he rarely falls asleep just at the cooing stage.  But he is happy and does it on his own, he usually doesn't even want us to stay there with him, as once in a while when he is overly fussy and we stay to try to reassure him, he doesn't settle until we leave!  All in all, I think he just got fed up with us holding him to settle, he was telling us "mom and dad, I'm ready to try this on my own now, thanks!"
Hope this helps!
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