My lo use to wake up around 4:30pm from his last nap (we are currently transitioning to 3.5 hour EASY so our current schedule has changed a little bit). But anyways, when we were on 3 hour EASY, he didn't really take a catnap and if he did, it was almost close to his bedtime routine, so I dropped the catnap and moved his bedtime routine and bedtime earlier. It use to be a battle trying to get lo to settle for bed and once I moved his bedtime up earlier, everything was much better.
Here's what our 3 hour EASY looked like:
7:30am Eat
8:00am Activity
9:00am Sleep
10:30am Eat
11:00am Activity
12:00pm Sleep
1:30pm Eat
2:00pm Activity
3:00pm Sleep
4:30pm Eat
5:00pm Activity
7:30pm Eat/Sleep
10-10:30pm Dreamfeed
3/4am Wakes up sometimes for bottle/diaper change
One thing I learned is that if your lo is showing signs of tiredness you need to put her to sleep ASAP. You need to pay attention to your lo's cues. That was my problem, I wasn't really paying attention to DS cues and was worried about putting him to bed early but after awhile it was much better for him as he wasn't overtired or overstimulated at bedtime. And actually, I think the 7:30pm bedtime is his natural sleep cycle rhythm. So if your lo is showing signs of tiredness, I'd move either the bedtime earlier or maybe make the catnap earlier (maybe around 5:30pm).