Author Topic: Too many sleep problems for 5 mo old  (Read 1005 times)

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Too many sleep problems for 5 mo old
« on: May 12, 2006, 20:33:23 pm »
Hi!  I have posted several different questions on different boards, but I think I need some help looking at the entire picture. We have big sleep issues.  I'm so exhausted I can't think straight about this.  :'( I Don't get any naps for me in, as I'm always in trying to w2s or get ds back to sleep.   DS is 5 mo, and we started BW at 3.5 mo.  I apologize as this is going to be long.
1. Short naps. He always wakes at 45 min or less.  So far I'm unsuccessful with w2s, but sometimes can get him back to sleep
2. NW-lots and lots of NW.  I think this actually got worse since BW. ???  I've been tracking them and they are all over the map timewise.  Typically we have 5 or so. I've been feeding for 2 of those. 
3. Early waking.  About 3 weeks ago he started waking at 4:45 or 5

I think we have a pretty good bedtime routine and a good nap routine.  He falls asleep pertty well, unless he drops the paci.  Then we have to reinsert and he'll drift off.  DS is bf, we were on 4 hr EASY, but this week it has turned into more of a 3 hr (at least the E part)  Not sure if  a gs or what....    We do no solids so far.  I've messed around with A time trying to find that perfect amount, but not making a difference so far.  I really have no idea how much sleep he's getting because of so many NW and nap interruptions.  We use a paci and he's starting to use a lovey (before BW I nursed him to sleep---oops! :o)

Routine varies because of trying to find the right A time, but something like this:
6:30 wake & eat
7 A
8:45 s (I try to get this nap to 1:30 crib time, but not always successful)
10:30 E
11 A
12:30 S (I try to get this nap to 2 hrs crib time, but not always successful)
2:30 E
4 catnap (he's asking for it this early)
4:40/5 E (cluster)
6 bedtime routine starts with E (cluster) at 6:30 or so massage, song, etc
7 crib--he goes out easily

I've been moving bedtime up to 6:30 this week, hoping it will help.  So far, no difference.  I also added another cluster df at 8:30, hoping it would help w/ nw, but again, no success so far.  I've been feeding at night 2X (in addition to the 8:30 df) at 11 or so, and 3 or so.  being bf, I'm never sure if he's really hungry or not.

What should I do?  ??? Any ideas?  Like I said, I'm too tired to think straight about it. I don't know what I should focus on first....or tackle it all at once.  I appreciate any help you can provide. 

Oh, and when he wakes early and won't go back to sleep (either in morning or nap) how should I readjust the day?  When do we have the next nap? and so on..... THANKS!

Offline moppiemom

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Re: Too many sleep problems for 5 mo old
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 07:46:11 am »
Hi. I'm sorry i don't have anything helpful for you except to say that we are in EXACTLY the same boat. I hope it at least makes you feel better that you're not the only one  :) (complete exhaustion included) I will certainly share anything that I discover that ends up helping.
sending sleep vibes to your baby!
sweet textbook/spirited Madelief, born 10 Dec 2005

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Re: Too many sleep problems for 5 mo old
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2006, 11:54:37 am »
whew!  that is a handful.... here's my thoughts....

- if you want your day to start at 6:30, you need to treat any other wakings like a night waking.  (i.e. do pu/pd or whatever soothing method you've been using)
- your first A time should be no more than 2 hours.  try & keep it as close to 8:30 as possible... even if your day starts at 6am occasionally...
- since your baby is bf, feeding every 3 hours can still be normal, so just continue to try & separate the eating & sleeping associations
- continue to try & extend the naps

once you really get daytime sleep sorted out, it will help a lot with the night wakings.  you are the best judge, but he probably doesn't need nighttime feedings - at least no more than one anyhow.

HTH a little  :D
DD - Textbook
DS - Touchy/Grumpy