Author Topic: wont dring more than 3oz at feeds  (Read 1293 times)

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Offline rinach

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wont dring more than 3oz at feeds
« on: May 15, 2006, 15:41:45 pm »
Hiya all

Im new to this site and could really do with some help/advice.

I have a 9wk old son who up until about 2 weeks ago was doing really well and drinking abougt 5oz to 6 oz per feed every 4 hours he is bottle fed. now all of a sudden for the last 2 weeks will only dring about 3oz at a push 3 1/2 oz.  Due to this have had to move him back to 3 hour feeds to try and make sure he gets enough milk as he has now started to wake up at 2am for a feed - even then only takes about 2  to 3 oz.

Could desperatley do with some help as im worried his weight is going to go down - he is about 12lb at the moment and also if he starts to drink less will wake up more during the night.  I feel like I am going backwards instead of stopping him waking at night he is waking up more.

Many thanks in advance

Rina and Kameron - 9wks and 2 days

Offline Lªuren

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Re: wont dring more than 3oz at feeds
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 15:47:39 pm »
Hi Rina
Welcome to the BW boards  :)

You can try a few things;

1. What size of teat are you using? Is the current one too slow and your LO is bored :-\
2. Have you tried giving him a 5 - 10 min break then trying to feed again?
3. Are you on the 'correct' EASY routine for your LO?
4. Is your LO constipated at the moment?
5. Is your LO currently suffering from any illness or medical condition?

Lauren x

Offline rinach

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Re: wont dring more than 3oz at feeds
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2006, 15:56:10 pm »

thanks for the quick reply!!

He is on avent no 3 teats which is one up from what he should be on so think im using the right teat, he is not constipated he is very regular and has a poo at least once a day, he is not ill and had his 8wk check last week and all was ok, trying to implement easy routine during the day but not have got a cry baby who refuses to nap in the day and is a mission to finally get him down - not sure if i am on the right one tho - i am easy every 3 hours as trying to get enough milk in him. Have tried breaks when feeding him but when i try and give him the bottle back he gags on it and starts to scream.

Any advice?

Rina & Kameron

Offline Lªuren

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Re: wont dring more than 3oz at feeds
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2006, 15:59:24 pm »
In that case is the teat too fast? or is he too tired when he get past 3oz?
do you want to post your routine?

need to pop out just now....
Lauren x

Offline rinach

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Re: wont dring more than 3oz at feeds
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2006, 16:18:22 pm »

6.00 - wakes up crying, calmed down nappy change and feed made
6.30 - feed - about 2 1/2 to 3 oz
7.15 - sleeps
7.45 - wakes up crying
hysterical crying till 9.30am maybe get 30 mins play out of him if i can get him to calm down.

9.30 - feed - 3 to 4 oz
10am - activity
11am - try and get him to nap with great difficulty - lots of crying and maybe get 30mins nap out of him if im lucky

12.15 awake - nappy change and feed ready
12.30 - 3 to 4 oz
1pm - activity
2pm - again try and get him to nap with lots of difficulty - again maybe get 30 mins nap out of him at a push lots of crying and tantrums

3.15 - awake nappy change and feed ready
3.30 - 3 to 4 oz feed
4pm - activity
5pm - no chance of nap and lots of hysterics

6.30 - last feed 3to 4 oz
7pm - bath massage
7.30 in moses basket awake few tears but goes down after about 15 mins and falls asleep on his own after about 30 mins

dream feed at 9.30 - 2 to 3 oz

dream feed at 11.30 - 1 to 2 oz

awake between 2 and 3am for 2oz feed
 awake from 5.30am  crying

As you can see its not just his feeding I'm having problems with!! 

Any help and tips is much appreciated.

Thanks once again

Rina xx

Offline Cecilia~Olivia's mom

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Re: wont dring more than 3oz at feeds
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2006, 15:51:24 pm »
I found with Olivia, she hated wet diapers.  in 24 hours we could go through 16 diapers - but she stopped crying shortly after diaper was changed, thus wouldn't work herself up & be constantly overtired which we all know is no fun at all. Now that I think about it, maybe the motion of lifting her legs helped her pass gas too.  I'd put a drop or two of oval in her formula & this helped tremendously with the trapped gas issue as well.  How about having the bottle ready to go for the 5:30/6am feed- in his darkened room, sufficient quiet burp time (15min), diaper change (we had to use caution with Olivia, milk would come up if layed down too soon after feed), them put him straight to bed again, start your(his) day at the next wake.
Check that he is not Lactose intolerant, Olivia did this as well, switched milk, things better again.  HTH

I found having a little crock pot on low temp all night with about 8 ounces of water in it night helped when she woke.  I'd have her bottles in a cooler in her room during the night/days.  Upon waking, I'd put a bottle in the crock pot, change diaper & viola! 4 oz milk perfect temp.  no going up & down stairs, warming kettle, making milk, overstimulating baby in the process.   

p.s. crock pot omitted dry air in her room too...just remember to turn it off in the am & top up/change water every night.  FYI, takes 3 days for 8oz of water to evaporate in a crock pot, so I felt pretty safe doing this...