Author Topic: tummy sleeping  (Read 1188 times)

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Offline noonan7522

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tummy sleeping
« on: May 22, 2006, 15:39:36 pm »
I have been following the baby whisperer since our son was 6 weeks old.  He is now 10 weeks old.  I went back to work when our LO turned 8 weeks old.  He isn't sleeping through the night.  It is very hard to get up in the middle of the night because my husband and I are both working.    I have found that he will sleep longer if we put him on his side or belly.  I have heard over and over the risk of SIDS, but he wasn't a low birth weight and there is no smoking in our house.  He has Acid Reflux and seems more comfortable on his belly or side with the added bonus that he sleeps longer.  We have tried everything to keep him on his back, but he just won't stay asleep that way.  When he is swaddled, he pushes himself down the crib.  When he finally hits the crib bumper he cries.  Sometimes he scoots himself inside the swaddle and gets stuck under the covers!  Is there anyone else out there that lets their LO sleep on their side or belly?  Or does someone have a suggestion to get him settled on his back?

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: tummy sleeping
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2006, 18:24:22 pm »
If your LO is swaddled I highly causion tummy sleeping. If he's on his tummy and he's swaddled he wont be able to move if something were to happen.
If he's not swaddled and he's able to lift his head or even roll over then it shouldn't be a problem.

Rememeber though most 10 week old won't sleep through the night. As hard as it is he may just not be ready for it. He's still pretty young and small. You could try the approch that my DH and I took, take turns. One night I would take care of DD the next night he would. That way we both got sleep and it really worked for us untill she was ready to sleep through the night.

Offline Ami ~ 3 girls' mom

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Re: tummy sleeping
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2006, 21:09:39 pm »
How does he do during tummy time?  Can he turn his head side to side?  Savannah woke up about every 45 minutes until I put her on her tummy at six weeks.  The difference was amazing.

Offline stephanie 78

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Re: tummy sleeping
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2006, 21:31:56 pm »
Hey Noonan7522,

I know how you are feeling about putting your lo onto his tummy as we too went thru this. When our DD was about 9 wks old I let her sleep on her tummy one night as she (and I) was exhausted and she slept longer an she had in the past. However I got an attack of conscience thinking about SIDS and didnt do it again until she was 12 wks and started rolling on her side. She has continued to sleep either on her side or tummy but unfortunately for me, she still doesnt sleep thru!!!   ::)

But like the others have mentioned - so long as your lo can raise and or turn his head it shouldnt be to much of a problem. Follow your gut feeling and Im sure you will both be fine.  ;)

Goodluck and I hope you all start to sleep more soundly.  :D
