Could you just leave after lunch & let her nap the whole way? That avoids any of the planned stops, and makes the drive go much faster for everyone! We do this regularly when driving to visit my parents (3 hrs) and it works great. For such a short trip, it's not really worth mapping out restaurants & everything....
When we did the trip before baby was born, we used to make a trip around San Jose about an hour into the trip so *I* could have my "comfort" stop. I have that small body, small bladder problem.

I think the trip with baby along will definitely take a lot longer with the stops we'll have to make for her. DD can't sit in the car seat for a long time before she'll get fussy. She never did like being strapped in, doesn't matter if it is the car seat or stroller. She tolerates the high chair only because she knows there'll be food.

DD wouldn't be able to nap/sit through a 3 hr trip with no stops. We sometimes barely make it to/from the inlaws who are 1 hr away.
Depending in when DD wakes up in the morning, she usually falls asleep for her morning nap around 10am, so we were thinking of having the car packed, and putting her in the car seat when she's zoning out for a nap, and just drive ~1.5 hrs before we stop to stretch our legs, grab a bite to eat (because it will also be DD's lunchtime when she wakes), change diaper if she has a poopy (she's almost like clockwork with a poopy after nap), and let her stand/walk a bit before we stuff her back into the car again.
Pretty much all hotels have playpens now (don't try to get a real crib, though - that's a waste of time
), just ask for it when you make your reservation and again when you check in.
Didn't know this. Will have to look into it. We were thinking of taking along our own playpen.
We often ask for a wheelchair accessible room, because they have wider spaces so it's easier to find a place to put the playpen. There are some hotels that are all "suites" - not actually 2 rooms, but a bigger room with a small kitchen area & sitting area - and those can also be a better fit for the playpen.
I had never thought of asking for a wheelchair accessible room. That's a nifty idea! But I'd feel bad about possibly taking away a room that a disabled person needed. I mean, what if someone was turned away because I took the room they would have had?
One of my other concerns in how soundproof the rooms are. I would not want the adjacent guests to hear my screaming baby, if she happens to be fussy in the middle of the night during our trip. She's usually a good sleeper, but we really have no idea how she will behave during the trip and while trying to sleep in a foreign place. Her schedule will also be off for a few days due to the trip.
I do love places with suites, for exactly the same reason, the extra room. I already have a place in mind for our Lake Tahoe trip. I just need to find one in the Monterey area. Unfortunately, real estate is more expensive there, so lodgings tend to me more "cramped".
When we travel, we try to look for places with at least a fridge so we could store food and stuff. A small separate sink and microwave is even better. The only time we've done a full blown kitchen was when we rented a condo for our Hawaii vacations. But I can see how a kitchen can be handy with a toddler around. For this trip, I'm thinking a microwave would be handy so we can bring some Gerber meals just in case there is nothing else we can feed DD.
You're not going to be able to do half the stuff you've planned anyway, just relax & enjoy the change of scenery!
LOL, you're probably right. We move much slower paced now with DD around. Part of the trip is the change of scenery, we haven't taken a trip since Jan 2005, just before DD was born when friend advised, "take vacation NOW!!!" This will be our first trip with DD. It will mostly be a learning experience to see how she behaves on trips, and to learn what we can and cannot do. Our only goal during the trip is to get some rest (hopefully), and to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium which we think DD will like. The aquarium is rather famous in this area, it's much better than the aquarium at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park (although that one isn't bad to take kids to if you're in SF, there's also a natural history museum, planetarium, and other stuff to look at in the same building; btw the place is currently under renovation until 2008, so it is now temporarily located downtown). I've gone to the Monterey Bay Aquarium a couple times and it is just amazing! Great for kids. DD is a little young to remember what she sees, but I think the exposure will be good for her.
Monterey Bay Aquarium:'ll be interesting to see what we can do in the hotel room after DD goes to bed around 8pm. Guess TV will be out. Maybe DH & I will do something quiet like reading.