Author Topic: EASY help for 9wk old. Having to wake too often during the day  (Read 1080 times)

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Offline tjteems

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For the past 3 days, I've had to wake my LO at least 2 times during the day from her naps.  She is taking 2-2.5 hour naps and I wake her to feed so she doesn't go more than 3.5 hours between feedings.
My question is. . .should I limit her day naps even more?  do I let her sleep as long as she wants?  Isn't it too early for a 4hr feeding schedule? 
Also, she basically is on a 3-4 hour schedule 24hours a day and doesn't really have 1 long stretch at night.  Ideally (as my son did), I thought her night feed should be closer to 4 or 4:30 so she has a longer stretch of sleep?
Any thoughts on the schedule?  BTW, she is formula fed about 35oz/day and drains every bottle dry.

6:30am Eat
7:45 Sleep
10 Eat
11:15 Sleep
1:30 Eat
2:45 Sleep
4:30 Eat
**NOTE--If let her nap here, she won't catnap, but sleep at least 1.5 hours.  So, I try to keep her up.  But if she is up for more than 1.5 hours she is an overtired mess.  What to do!  Afraid of her having another long nap and not being sleepy enough for nighttime.
6--Bath, pjs
6:30 Eat and to bed
10:30 Dreamfeed
Wakes on her own to eat at 2:30 or 3

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Re: EASY help for 9wk old. Having to wake too often during the day
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 00:53:22 am »
Hi there,I will try to help you out..
My question is. . .should I limit her day naps even more?  do I let her sleep as long as she wants?  Isn't it too early for a 4hr feeding schedule?  How old is your LO?
If you change to a 4 hour easy..that means more A time..and fewer feedings, albeit more ounces....but it is a change they have to be ready for...

If let her nap here, she won't catnap, but sleep at least 1.5 hours.  So, I try to keep her up.  But if she is up for more than 1.5 hours she is an overtired mess.  What to do!  Afraid of her having another long nap and not being sleepy enough for nighttime.
A question about the last actual nap of the day..which you have at long does this last? If I remember correctly, (and I will check my posts from the beginning when I started EaSY) my son had 3 naps plus a cat nap....I could be wrong...but Ill check...
If your Lo's 2:45 nap goes for 1.5 hours..then a cat nap shouldn't be needed anyways.......since that would bring you to 4:30 or so...
Lastly, the waking @ 2-3.....when she wakes is she actually hungry? or do you think it is it more of a habit? How much doe she drink?

Have to run...I hope some of this helps..Im so long winded..sorry!
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Offline tjteems

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Re: EASY help for 9wk old. Having to wake too often during the day
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2006, 03:39:23 am »
Thanks for answering.  She is 9wks.  If she eats every 4 hours, it seems it would only extend her naps (since I'm waking her) and not her activity time.  She can stay awake for 1 hr 15min max.  Her last nap ends around 4 or 4:30.  But then she has 2+ hours of wake time until bedtime and that is more than she can handle.
I think she wakes hungry at the 2am wake up.  I always offer the paci just to try, but it rarely settles her.  If it does, it only lasts  about 20-30 mins and then she is fussing again.  She drains her 5 oz bottle at every feeding.  I feel like she'd drink as much as I gave her at any time, but she is a chunky monkey already.  She is getting 35-37oz a day and ped. said that was plenty if not a bit much.