For the past 3 days, I've had to wake my LO at least 2 times during the day from her naps. She is taking 2-2.5 hour naps and I wake her to feed so she doesn't go more than 3.5 hours between feedings.
My question is. . .should I limit her day naps even more? do I let her sleep as long as she wants? Isn't it too early for a 4hr feeding schedule?
Also, she basically is on a 3-4 hour schedule 24hours a day and doesn't really have 1 long stretch at night. Ideally (as my son did), I thought her night feed should be closer to 4 or 4:30 so she has a longer stretch of sleep?
Any thoughts on the schedule? BTW, she is formula fed about 35oz/day and drains every bottle dry.
6:30am Eat
7:45 Sleep
10 Eat
11:15 Sleep
1:30 Eat
2:45 Sleep
4:30 Eat
**NOTE--If let her nap here, she won't catnap, but sleep at least 1.5 hours. So, I try to keep her up. But if she is up for more than 1.5 hours she is an overtired mess. What to do! Afraid of her having another long nap and not being sleepy enough for nighttime.
6--Bath, pjs
6:30 Eat and to bed
10:30 Dreamfeed
Wakes on her own to eat at 2:30 or 3