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Offline Sabine

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Here I go again...
« on: May 22, 2006, 21:38:02 pm »
Feels like I just posted.....anyways I am having a hard time getting my lo to take his bottle before bed.  I am lucky to get even 4 oz in him.  He is almost 11 months old and is consistently b/w 5 and 530 am.  Some mornings he sleeps until 6-630 and one morning even 7 but for the most part 5-530 is wakeup time.  I usually give him a bottle and put him awake in his crib and he sleeps for another hour until I get him up for 7am.  He has been struggling to take his afternoon nap too now when he used to take it perfectly.  If he hasn't slept well we aim for bed 7-730 but he fusses sometimes upto an hour before he finally goes to sleep and I don't know what I can do.

Developmentally, he has started to cruise. This is new.  He is also a very active sleeper and is always out of his covers and I can't seem to keep them on no matter what.  He could be cold at night but I have tried getting up at 3 am to cover him again and doesn't make much difference.

If I leave him at 5 the cries escalate over the hour and he can't go back to sleep.  If I go in and try to cover him and he sees me and I leave the room he all out cries.  He does put himself to sleep at night independently and for naps too. 

He has also recently started fighting the bottle and solids I don't know why. He used to take his bottles so well but now it is a fight.  He is also resisting solids which I am making for him now.  He has some finger foods but hasn't mastered the sippy and will only take 1-2 oz of water from it (I tried milk but he'll refuse it).    I have a feeling I need to adjust his schedule but I don't know where to begin or what to change.

Here is his schedule on most days:

5-530 wakeup bottle and back to bed (EBM 5-6oz)
700 breakfast ( 7 Tbsp cereal mix with EBM and 4T fruit with some cheerios)
1000 nap (limiting to 1 hour so he will sleep in the afternoon)
1100 sips water with sippy (learning to use this and few cheerios)
1200 bottle (4-6oz EBM)
100 lunch (6Tbsp--homemade beef stew/chicken pot pie with pasta and cheese) and fruit 2T mix with 2T yoghourt
200 nap (1 hour--limiting)
300-330 snack with sippy
430 supper (same as lunch)
700 bottle (4-5 oz and bed)

Please help.


Offline Mom2X&F&V

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 00:47:19 am »
Hi. I am no expert, but dd is almost same age. One first question... is he teething? Cruising may take some night sleep, and feeding, but teething is a mayor cause. I think as I see your schedule that from 7 to 1 he barely eats, and for the last 6 hours he can have lunch, dinner, and milk. 3 main feedings in less hours. How about feeding lunch at 12, taking out her afternoon bottle, do it at 3.
Something like this: Also some babies drop their 4th bottle almost before a year. Some of them, like mine drop even the 3rd bottle.

I will not mess with the 5 am bottle as I will recommend you to take it away by extending wakening time and feeding time, but I really do not know what to tell you about this.  Maybe pd?
7 breakfast
9:30 snack
10 nap
11:30 or 12 lunch
2 nap
3 bottle
4:00 dinner
7 bottle
Cutting one bottle may put more ounces to the others or maybe not, but at this age their intake may be lower as he is really eating good amount of solids, even more than mine is... his dinner is very good so maybe he really feels satisfied.

As for covering him maybe he just does not like to be covered, and that wakes him up. Some babies are not as hot or cold as we are. Maybe try to put a grow bag or put more clothes under his jammies. What I do is instead of using a cover sheet in her crib is put a hot blanket as a sheet, that way under her it is a hot stuff... IYKWIM.
And about the sippy, he will take it eventually, he is still young for mastering it.
Practice a lot during the day cruising. Teething or overtiredness make babies fuss at bedtime so 60 min before bed lower activities. If everything is OK, try pd. Is he standing in his crib, and is able to put himself down? Be sure to know how much awake time he can handle, maybe 4 hours is a lot for him in the afternoon.
11 months is a very difficult age as they are leaning way too much at this age, and probably teething too. They want to become more independent. They reject being spoon fed so lend him a spoon while feeding. Put FF at his chair for him to eat.
You need to test A timings every day and see which one works, but if he is teething first you need to help him in that, and understand the  consequences of it, and just go with his flow.
I hope I helped you somehow, I am sure more experts ones than me will help you even more. Please feel free to pm if need anything.
Good luck!!!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 00:50:05 am by Mom2Ximena »
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Offline Rubycino

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2006, 04:10:17 am »
Hi there

i can offer no help with the schedule, my lo is only 6 months. However re the blanket situation we tuck both DD sheets and blankets in down the side of the cot and roll up a thin towel and wedge this down one side so the sheets and blanket stay there firmly and then when we put the lo to bed we tuck the other side once she is in and also push a rolled towel down that side. I have never had to go in at night and re tuck her in, it does seem tight, but she is happier like that.

You may want to give it a try.


Offline Sabine

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2006, 23:50:57 pm »
Thanks for the reply...I will try and change his schedule to what you have suggested.  he is eating everything solids wise and may be ready to cut back on milk.  Today he only had 3 bottles

530 am  5.5oz EBM
700 breakfast cereal mixed with 3.5 oz EBM
1200 noon  4.5 oz EBM
700 bedtime 5.5 oz EBM

SO total EBM= that enough milk for his age???how much is normal??
He hates to sit for his bottle when he used to love it--now I have to feed him in front of Baby Einstein...I feel like a bad mommy. :-[

Offline Mom2X&F&V

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2006, 01:03:36 am »
Good!!! I think it is 15 to 20, but that is here in my country, but if he is happily growing then he is fine. Besides I noticed some cheese and yogurt in his meals so you do not worry at all!!!
Great going!!!
As for Baby Einstein... do not  feel bad, I did that too for a long time. Is he able to hold his bottle? Maybe he is needing some Independence and wants to hold it himself, maybe he is just not interested in bottles as it is sooooo boring, so he is fine.
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