Author Topic: Has anyone tried either of these items baby not taking a bottle? I added pics  (Read 786 times)

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Offline jules_is_cute

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  • Location: Alameda, CA
We've been trying for almost a month now to get our lo to take a bottle, any bottle (see previous posts) DP fed Jules EBM with a baby spoon, she only took about 8 spoonfuls and then lost interest.  He said it took the edge off of her hunger so she stopped crying, but she took in less than 1.5 oz.  not enough to call a meal.  Poor girl.  I looked around online (some one here recommended the haberman feeder, but since it's just another teat, I doubt she'll latch on.  I noticed these 2 items on the same site that look hopeful, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried either of them or knows anyone who has before I shell out another 30-60 bucks on this issue with my lo.

They are the Medela SoftFeeder  or the Medela Hazlebaker FingerFeeder, if you google them you'll see what they look like. 

Any help would be greatly appreiciated.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 22:08:54 pm by jules_is_cute »