Author Topic: Grrrr -- Teething tabs  (Read 1397 times)

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Grrrr -- Teething tabs
« on: May 23, 2006, 17:08:48 pm »
So I just didn't expect that Hylands teething tabs would contain lactose  >:( >:(

They're a homeopathic remedy in a calcium stearate base, and I just didn't think to check the ingredients label. I've never known hp remedies contain lactose before  >:( >:(

I've been trying to keep DS off all dairy as I don't react well to it, and his reflux was always worse when I had it. We're just beginning to think about when we might test yoghurt, but I've been really worried about it.

And now I find out that for the past week I've been giving him lactose four times a day!  :o :o

hmm  >:(

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Re: Grrrr -- Teething tabs
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 17:45:48 pm »
Actually, a lot of homeopathic remedies have lactose base (oscillococinum is also coming to mind right now) and most of the Hylands tablets do unfortunately. However, you should know that many MSPI babies do fine with lactose - it's usually the milk proteins that bother them. It's quite rare for a Caucasian baby to be lactose intolerant in fact. Possible but more unusual.

Has he reacted negatively to the Hylands? If not, I'd continue to use them. If you are concerned, you might be able to find single ingredient remedies (like camomila, belladona, etc) without lactose base.

Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01


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Re: Grrrr -- Teething tabs
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2006, 00:04:51 am » could try camillia (sp?) i don't think it is lactose based - all natural and has the same ingredients as hylands tabs with the exception of the coffee and it's purified water based (you pour it into los mouth, or mix in a bottle) - my dd takes both, the tabs and the camillia, she loves 'em both!
good luck!

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Re: Grrrr -- Teething tabs
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2006, 23:51:51 pm »
Hi ~ just wanted to let you know that I went to the nature food store today & picked up some teething stuff ~ it is Camilia, but I think the brand name is BOIRON ~ they are single-use doses.  BEST OF ALL, NO LACTOSE!!!!  The woman there stated that lactose is used in tablets to keep them "gelled" together.  Hope that helps you!!! 

The woman even called the company to double check that there was no lactose in them ~ and the main ingred. are of the Hyland teething tablets!
