Author Topic: Will she drop it on her own or do I need to do it?  (Read 1425 times)

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Offline Mom2katiebug

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Will she drop it on her own or do I need to do it?
« on: May 23, 2006, 19:43:31 pm »
When DD is well, she takes a DF and will wake once more to eat.  This is totally do-able for DH and I - at least for now.  But, are we creating a habit that will be harder to break in the long run?  Will she just naturally wean the overnight feed and then the DF or do we need to take the lead at dropping it?  And when will this/should this happen?

FYI - She's 7MO and about 19lbs and spirited!
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Offline Lªuren

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Re: Will she drop it on her own or do I need to do it?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 19:52:05 pm »
How much is Katie taking in her dreamfeed & night feed compared to the rest of her feeds?
Do you know if there is a difference in her formula intake on days when she is at daycare and when at home?
Is she waking at different times during the night for a feed?

In my experience with Calum, I seem to remember at 5months he was down to one feed and then I suddenly realised it was more or less the same time he would wake for a feed, so I started to add more water than formula to his 3oz nightfeed and he suddenly (after a few nights) stopped waking for it. However, saying that I am not sure it would be so easy to do that now, his body clock seems to get 'jammed' on certain times i.e 6.30am and he doesn't wake hungry!

I would say if you think she is genuinely hungry then feed her but gradually water down the feed or offer cool boiled water, have you seen the guidelines for this? and she where that take you  :-\

If you think she is waking from habit, try to settle her back to sleep - this may be easier said then done with a spirited  :-\ if you are having problems again try above tactic and cut back on the amount you every every few days.

Lauren x
Lauren x

Offline Mom2katiebug

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Re: Will she drop it on her own or do I need to do it?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2006, 20:06:25 pm »
Thanks Lauren.  She actually eats really well at daycare and really well for her DF and ON (overnight) feeds.  She can drain the DF and ON bottles.  She just gets so darn distracted at her other feeds.  She doesn't usually wake for the DF (we vary the time a bit each night depending on when we go to bed) and she'll wake at different times for her ON feed. 

A couple of weeks ago, I lost track of her feeds and didn't do the ON feed - just replugged the paci - and she went from the DF to breakfast and ate really well for breakfast (doesn't normally).  I thought we could just get rid of it and we only did the DF for several nights, but she started waking a lot at night.  We added it back and she seemed to get back in a groove. 

It's funny cuz during the day if she won't eat, we'll pop her in her crib and she'll drain the bottle.  I can see lots of crumbs in her future beds! 

I suppose we could try the gradual dilution/reduction method.  When we cut the ON feed out cold turkey, she didn't seem to make up all the calories like I expected - only about half of them. 

Do you think if we wait too long, we'll create more of a problem down the road?  We won't do anything now cuz none of us are feeling well, but this has been on my mind so I thought I'd ask.

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Re: Will she drop it on her own or do I need to do it?
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2006, 20:16:29 pm »
When we cut the ON feed out cold turkey, she didn't seem to make up all the calories like I expected - only about half of them. 

I would try and do something about it when you are all better, not so sleep deprived and dependant on caffeine to function. I think the longer you leave it the harder it will be to break.  I Hope you all get better soon.  :-*

I think it's great your Dh is helping with all of this, takes some of the pressure of you.

Also, I just skimmed your other post and I think you should try waking her from her car nap on the way home from daycare.

Lauren x

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Re: Will she drop it on her own or do I need to do it?
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2006, 20:21:54 pm »
thanks Stacy!  ;D
Lauren x

Offline Mom2katiebug

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Re: Will she drop it on her own or do I need to do it?
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2006, 20:29:43 pm »
Thanks ladies!  Once we all get feeling better, I think we'll do the gradual diluting method cuz I still want her to get the fluids/water. Then I'll reduce that.  I will miss my ON time with her.  :'( It's just about the only time she's quiet and still. 
"Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you also have an obligation to be one."  - Eleanor Roosevelt