Charlie was till recently on a 3 hourly EASY routine, bottlefed but then he began to take less and less each time, sometimes giving up after 2 oz (was having 5 oz every 3 hours) and 1-2 night bottles!!!!!
so changed to stage 4 avent teats which worked wonders, he immediately fell into a four hourly routine of 7-8 oz each time and having his last feed at 11.30pm, however, he is beginning to fuss at bottle again, had 8 oz at 12.30 pm, then offered a feed at 5pm and he had just 3 oz!!! this put his routine right out and he then had 3 oz at 7pm. hes NEVER been a good milk drinker and really struggle to get him to take it. he mucks about, laughs, anything but drink the bloody milk. he has never slept through. on the 3 hourly routine he would have a df at 10pm, then be hungry AGAIN at 2 am, last few nights on four hourly routine he has had just one feed at 11-12 ish (at night). i have tried different milks, the teat worked a few days but seem to be going back to poor feeding again. spoke to HV who said to introduce solids, but im keen to try something else first, so any advice please? he possets all the time, always has done. used to bring up whole feeds at 8 weeks. could it be a milk intolerance? he never had colic BTW. its a nightmare, im exhauted from night wakings and confused whether to stick with 3 or 4 hourly routine, iykwim.
here is todays pattern;
5 am; awake!!!!!!!
7am-7.30 am; sleep
8.30 am; 6 oz ( a real struggle, had to take lid off bottle)
10 am-12.15 sleep
12.45pm, 8 oz
2pm-2.30 sleep
4.30-5pm sleep
5.15 pm; 3 oz
6.15; bath
6.45 pm; 3 oz
8pm; bed
i was suprised at the 5pm feed, he had gone nearly 5 hours and only took 3 oz!!! soooo frustrating. also, if his last bottle is 8pm, and he needs a fifth should i df or wait till 11.30pm when he waks up himself for it?
what should i do tonight with the 5pm and 7pm snacks, df or wait for him to wake himself? sorry for ramble but he s so fussy with milk, really thought i had it cracked and he does this.......
laura, charlie 19 weeks