i there, i think your routine looks perfect, and if your DD is taking that much of milk you shouldn't take away any bottles. In my case we eliminated the DF 'cause DS (almost 7MO) was only taking 1oz, and we also eliminated the 12noon bottle, 'cause he was taking a lousy 2oz, and he wasn't that hungry for the 4pm bottle either, so our day goes something like this now:
7:30 bottle with 7oz
8:30 breakfast (fruit with oatmeal) 6oz
10-12 ist nap
12:30pm lunch (protein with veggies and dessert as fruit) 8oz
2-4 2nd nap
4pm bottle with 7oz
6pm dinner (rice with veggies and dessert as fruit) 10oz
7pm bottle with 2oz max.
hope this helps