charlie is nearly 20 weeks and on a 3-4 hourly EASY (mostly 4 hourly lately)
his usual routine is;
6.30 am-awake
E- 8am ( 3 oz milk, 1 cube fruit puree)
S- 9 am (1 hour)
E 11.30 am - 7-8 oz, 1-2 cubes fruit or veg puree
S- 12-2.15pm (2 hrs 15)
E- 3ish 7-8 oz
S- 4.45-5.15 (3o mins)
E- 7pm; 8 oz milk
7.30- Bed
10.30-11 pm, 8 oz
You will notice he only takes 3 oz at 8am!!!! i find this suprising as his last feed is 11pm at the latest. i always offer milk first before solids (only started offering them at breakfast today) and he took it readily. it wouldnt matter too much but i am having a prob with 4 am wakings
been trying wake to sleep last 2 days so its early days. but this morning he woke at 3.30 am, despite w2sleep at 2.30am, and just wouldnt settle tried dummy, juice etc... but he was crying his hungry cry (kind of panty which starts off as wah wah, then goes onto full on crying, so i relented and offered him milk, he took 1 oz at most and wouldnt take any more, i put im back to bed and he slept till 6.30 am, HELP!!!! yesterday morning was better, he woke at 4 am so i went into reassure him afew times, he moaned a bit but fell back to sleep till 6 am, so i was gutted that this morning he wouldnt settle, but thats prob for the sleep board, im gibbering. i actually came on here to ask about his morning bottle, could this be why he is waking at 4 am?

?? my dd used to demand a full bottle as soon as she woke, eg 6/7 am so its all starange to me.
thanks, laura and angel/touchy baby charlie