Hi there everyone,
I started the EASY program at 6 weeks and it seemed to be helping in every aspect except sleep. I had tried everything with my LO but she wouldn't nap more than 20-30 minutes and she did this up to 5 times a day. She is now 8 months, 3 weeks old and up until 7 weeks ago I didn't think anything would ever change. But then all of a sudden she slept in the afternoon for 2 1/2 hours. I was shocked and kept looking in on her to make sure was fine...I wasn't used to all this free time. She had the best night sleep that night than she has had since she was born! I was so happy that all the work had paid off and we had turned a corner. Unforutnately, this only lasted for about 6 weeks and now, out of the blue, we are back to 5, 30 minute naps a day and waking 3-4 times at night. What has gone wrong? Her routine hasn't changed, her food is still the same... I was getting used to feeling rested and happier than ever and now we are both tired and gumpy most of the time. My LO has little bags under her eyes and everyone says how tired she looks. I have tired everything sugested to me but nothing seems to be working and I fear as she gets older it is just going to get harder on us both. Shouldn't she be sleeping no problem at this age? She wakes from naps and at night just screaming so I know she is still tired, when she is rested she just playfully babbles until I come in and get her.
She is on solid foods three times a day followed by a 6 oz formula bottle. She will play 1 1/2 - 2 hours after eating then has a nap for about 20 - 30 mins, plays another hour and then naps again (this goes on throughout the day). We have her in bed by 8:00 and she is asleep by 8:30 at the latest. She doesn't seem to have problems going to sleep but last night she was awake at 10:30 pm, 12:15 am, 3:30am and awake at 6:00 am to start the day.(She was sleeping from 8 pm to 7:30 am) When she wakes, she is awake anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minutes depending on her...usually it is somewhere in between. She seems unrestful even in sleep as she is moaning and whimpering the whole time. We just had a check up and she is healthy otherwise.
Please, someone help! I am so tired (as many of us are) and I fear that I am missing out on enjoying my daughter because I am so obsessed with getting us both on track so we can enjoy our time together.