my daughter is 14 weeks. I am currently transitioning her to a four hour routine. I am kinda all over the map with this though. I don't like the routine Tracy has set out in her book because my night time routine works great. She wakes from her nap at 615-630 feeds, bath or massage at 7 and then short story and bed around 730. So i would like to keep this. I dropped one of her feedings and she feeds at 7,11,3,630 and 11pm. She seems to be doing fine with this. She wakes up at night but soothes herself and doesn't "call" me in. So i don't think she is hungry. I am only concerned about this because she only eats 4 ounces per feeding and doesn't eat more of her bottle to compensate for the loss of one feeding. My real question here is about her awake time. She can only manage to stay awake for 130-145. Does anyone have any ideas for a routine they think would work for me? What would be a typical 3.5 hour routine?